Oh my God! If you want to see what Human Evolution really is, then read Ian Stewart 's explanation of zero-knowledge proof that was published in his Mathematical Recreations column in Scientific American back in the late 90s. I tried to find it on Google but this is all I came up with: Maybe it is in his book Math Hysteria: Fun and Games with Mathematics . Ian Stewart was nearly the Millennium Mathematics Professor at Cambridge in 1995, but he turned it down at the last minute and John Barrow got the post instead. Sadly I see that John died on September 26, 2020 of colon cancer. See My Story In Brief septiembre 29, 2020 recorded around that time and posted in Peru. See Sci-Fi Short - Gill and [Gboard says: Amy has no ?!] think about what a zero-knowledge proof done by a whole community of Bene Gesserit would look like: Oh Those Bene Gesserit! and How to make Prophecies Work Properly an...