
Showing posts from July, 2024

Solène Rapenne - Full-featured email server running OpenBSD

See her blog post: : This blog post is a guide explaining how to setup a full-featured email server on OpenBSD 7.5. It was commissioned by a customer of my consultancy who wanted it to be published on my blog. Setting up a modern email stack that does not appear as a spam platform to the world can be a daunting task, the guide will cover what you need for a secure, functional and low maintenance email system. You can support her work on Patreon: .

Fitzwilliam Museum - Paris 1924 Sport, Art and the Body

See the Fitzwilliam Museum's  Paris 1924: Sport, Art and the Body . You're greeted by a rather shabby alabaster cast of this marble:  See  Fragments of a marble statue of the Diadoumenos (youth tying a fillet around his head) . Apparently his eyes are averted, meaning that he wishes to be admired. I thought about the process of making a carving like this and what was involved in an age where any perception of a living thing was abstracted out of one continuous movement. They had no photographs in those days! See  Hannah Fry on Mind Reading .

PJ Harvey - A Child's Question, July

She just sent out a newsletter with handwritten drafts, poem and song draft progressions and a studio note connected with 'A Child's Question, July', as well as illustrations inspired by the summer. Also this clip from the studio: See  and Subscribe to PJ Harvey .

Aurora and Brian Eno - The Making of "A Soul With No King"

This is so good it doesn't need an introduction. See  Artisan Structures . Subscribe to  Museum for the UN .

Hannah Fry on Mind Reading

She's equating how somebody is feeling with a judgement about their conscious state, or even their conscious intention, isn't she? That's not necessarily wrong, but I wonder if how we are feeling might also be due to something beyond just what we consciously perceive. Subscribe to Hannah Fry .

In 1924 The Seine was "Stickier than the Cam"

See Rewilding Cambridge .

Claudi Casanovas - Long Bowl (1989)

Medium: stoneware, hand built!

Christmas Dinner 2020 in Panamá

Actually it's an 18th Century Staffordshire figurine, ....

Puma Quispe Singona on Living With The Pachamama

  See Subscribe to Institute of Noetic Sciences .

So You Know Hannah Fry? ...

Subscribe to  Hannah Fry . See  Weird Reproductive Biology of European Eels  and  Rewilding Cambridge . There are European Eels in the River Cam. See  Bristol Water - The European eel is more endangered than the red panda . Subscribe to Bizarre Beasts . Part 3 - But there's no audio on the naughty bits, thank God! 

Rewilding Cambridge

See  Leave Curious on Miyawaki Forests . There is Borage growing in that bed: See  Borage: A versatile and beneficial herb . That tree has a QR code See . That's a Cambridge Water campaign. This is why they have a problem: That's from their 2023 Annual Report. See John Horsfall's excellent mini-doc on chalk streams: Subscribe to John Horsfall . Peter Clitheroe's equally excellent mini-doc on Norfolk's forgotten chalk stream, the Gaywood river in King's Lynn: For more restoration news, see  Restoring Norfolk's Forgotten Chalk Stream . Subscribe to Peter Clitheroe . Mossy Earth project to restore the River Chew Subscribe to Mossy Earth . It's also about land use and refilling the aquifers. See  David Bamberger's Texas Land Restoration Project  and  Cuenca Los Ojos, AZ . Alana on Prefiguration . Subscribe to SolarpunkAlana . See  Puma Quispe Singona on Living W

David Gilmour's Guitars and Other Sounds

See  and on her podcast you can listen to her chatting with friends about audio description for the blind and partially sighted . See also David Gilmour's Ancient Guitars #4 . Subscribe to David Gilmour .

David Lynch Theater - Cellophane Memories Listening Party & Q&A

The day after tomorrow at 5PM, ... See  David Lynch Theater - Will There be Anything Else? Subscribe to David Lynch Theater .

ARM Thumb Conditional Instructions and Combinator Reduction Techniques

See this long StackOverflow thread  Why are conditionally executed instructions not present in later ARM instruction sets? and  Faster combinator reduction using stock hardware by A. C. Norman  and  Taylor and Amy Build The Feertech MicroBeast . I did eventally get that to work, and it's not as bad as it looks.

Some Interesting Things About Molecules

[This got saved in blogspot's drafts folder because of a bug in the editor. Or maybe it was a butterfly?] Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder . See  Modeling Probability Distributions and Solving Differential Equations .

Wonderful Willow

Boathouse update. I went with Greg from Winter comfort the other day and we took these photos. See  Artisan Structures  and  THE WONDER OF WOOD FAIR 2024 . See also  WonderWood Willow .

Taylor and Amy Build The Feertech MicroBeast

See This is an 8 bit kit with the the following design goals: A complete, self-contained 8-bit computer kit that can be built without specialist tools. Genuine 8-bit design, don't cheat with "support" processors that are more powerful than the main CPU. All development, from applications to firmware, can be done without expensive or obscure tools. Use standard connectors. No odd or outdated adapters adding to clutter. Use only currently manufactured and available components. 8 bit shouldn't mean obsolete. Can be expanded, customised and hacked - with full access to the CPU bus. Intentional, honest design - make choices, not excuses. Keep costs down, but don't cut corners. The result is this: Self contained 8-bit computer kit in a box Unique 24 character, 14 segment display & virtual console 47 Key keyboard Z80 CPU 8-10Mhz 512K RAM, 512K Flash ROM Power and data over USB C Battery backed Real time clock Running CP/M 2.2 GPIO H

Julia and Maria Buenaventura on Art, Patrimony, Sovereignty and Liberty

This was four years ago. Subscribe to Julia Buenaventura . Edith and Ephrain preparing nopales in Mexico Subscribe to Las Curiosidades de Mamá . Edith's mother on her ranch: Subscribe to Las Curiosidades de Marcelina . This post is about alienation, I think. See  Fragment of the History of The Corporation of The City of London . Blue Bannisters Subscribe to Lana Del Rey .

Mithuna Yoganathan on Training Mathematical Racehorses

See  Modelling Dynamics of Dissipative Systems This is one of the problems. My AI-trained brain says that it's about Galois Connections and Fourier Series, for what I imagine are obvious reasons. That's just by fuzzy pattern recognition on lambda abstractions. Speaking of lambda abstraction, I just noticed something on the thumbnail of David Turner's lecture that's quite radical: call-by-value is not correct! That's a more striking way of saying that it is not normal forms, but head normal forms that are important. There is a connection to solvability . Subscribe to The Looking Glass Universe .

Modeling Dynamics of Dissipative Systems

Thinking about Jack Wisdom's comment at the end of his MIT Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Chaos and Climate talk on Chaotic Dynamics in the Solar System: The tides on earth are coupled to the Solar System dynamics and I was wondering how to describe this mathematically. On Earth the tidal energy is dissipated by an array of more or less  synchronised rotational oscillations. See  Dynamic Theory of Tides : The result of all of this is that instead of a simple standing wave moving back and forth across the ocean, the tidal crest follows a circular pattern around the ocean basin, counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. This is analogous to shaking a pan full of water in a circular manner, and watching the water follow a similar circular path as it sloshes around inside. This large scale circular rotation pattern of tides is called amphidromic circulation (Figure 11.2.4). The rotation occurs around a central amphidromic point o

Leave Curious on Miyawaki Forests

See Akira Miyawaki and  potential natural vegetation . See also  Planet Wild . That business about increasing energy demand made me feel sad. What's it all for? Subscribe to Leave Curious and Planet Wild .

Julia Buenaventura on Mass, Length, Time and God

This is a lot more intuitive than the Standard Model, but it explains things a lot better! See  Brian Josephson on Organised Complexity and Thermodynamics . Subscribe to Julia Buenaventura . For some more about economics as she is practiced, see this post of October 2021  and  Peter Randall-Page - Between The Lines .

Brian Josephson on Organised Complexity and Thermodynamics

There's an interesting question at 25:28  about using thermodynamics and statistical physics to describe self-organising phenomena. I wonder if he'd be interested in playing around with arrays of cheap coupled oscillators? See  IMSAI Guy on Chua's Circuit  and  Professor Peter Elwood - Aspirin and cancer: the emerging evidence . See also Feynman on why physicists think that all the laws of Nature are based on interactions been spin one-half and spin one particles:  The Action Lab - Ulexite (How Does Television Stone Work?) See  Coordination Dynamics: Issues and Trends by Viktor K. Jirsa and Scott Kelso . Also  Gerald Sussman Talking at ACM SIGPLAN Scheme '22 - Programming Should be Fun . See also  Michael Halliday ,  Noam Chomsky on the Minimalist Thesis of Language  and these papers by Winograd . At 27:14 on playing music to water. Maybe it's this video? This is a phenomenon known as cymatics . Subscribe to  yei balam . Patricia Potts' question at 32:45 is ab

Morning Brew on What The Cloud Actually Is

This is about how important it is to learn to design software properly. Subscribe to Morning Brew .

IMSAI Guy on Chua's Circuit

This is a very simple circuit which represents a Lorenz attractor. Invented by L.O. Chua at MIT in the early eighties. See  The Genesis of the Chua Circuit . This particular instanve uses some clever active (op-amp) circuits to produce the nonlinear behaviour. Subscribe to The IMSAI Guy .

David Lynch Theater - Will There be Anything Else?

See  Chrystabell & David Lynch - Cellophane Memories . Subscribe to David Lynch Theater .

Gerald Sussman Talking at ACM SIGPLAN Scheme '22 - Programming Should be Fun

Indeed! Subscribe to ACM SIGPLAN . But what if you can't even get an interpreter for your language to run? Sussman said something like "The specifications aren't handed down from the boss. Usually they come from an assessment of what is possible, ..." So it all hinges on the judgements programmers make about what is possible. Scheme is a community of sorts, see and it has a kind of meta-community in the form of something called the  SRFI process . SRFI stands for Scheme Request For Implementation. Since around the year 2000 the number of requests has ballooned and there are now over 250 of them. The first twenty or so concerned language features and very widely useful libraries for strings, sets and so forth. The SICMutils package is a Clojure implementation of  scmutils , which is a kind of generic algebraic computation library. It relies heavily on a feature unique to MIT/GNU Scheme called Application Hooks . This is a feature by whi

Some Approaches to Funding Open Source Software Development

This looks like some ideas could start connecting together soon: Subscribe to FUTO . This story started on ZDNET: Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source  and got picked up on  Yahoo News: Tom's Hardware: Switzerland mandates government agencies use open-source software  and garbled some more. See this post of 30 May 2024  Switzerland mandates software source code disclosure for public sector: A legal milestone . It looks to me like the law applies to software development funded by the Swiss Federal Government. I don't see any prohibition on paying for packaged proprietary software. See  Bundesgesetz über den Einsatz elektronischer Mittel zur Erfüllung von Behördenaufgaben . Subscribe to Mental Outlaw .

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Long Dark Night

 See ,  and Subscribe to Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds .

LOW Level Learning - Intel CPU Microcode Bug Causes Processor to Oxidise Prematurely

Oops! Subscribe to Low Level Learning .

Deep Purple on The Other Side of The Equation

Subscribe to Deep Purple . Interview with Ian Gillan Subscribe to  qobuz

Sakara Dee

She's playing at Camp Bestival at Lulworth Castle in Dorset on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th July. See

David Gilmour's Ancient Guitars #4 - Martin D-18

Playlist of the whole concert . Subscribe to David Gilmour . Subscribe to Angelo Guagnano .

Wade Davis on Coca

I just searched YouTube for "andean coca chewing" and I saw a dozen videos that I have apparently watched parts of, according to YT's app, but which I have no recollection of having seen. This is one of them. See  Richard Evans Schultes  and  Timothy Plowman . Subscribe to  McKenna Academy .

Crystabell and David Lynch - Cellophane Memories

See this LA Times piece  David Lynch aims to ‘conjure another kind of beauty’ with his latest surreal project . See  David Lynch Theater Presents: The Answers to the Questions . See . Subscribe to David Lynxh Theater .

Toby on The Academic Genesis of Google

Lots of kazzam-balam music in this one, ... Subscribe to Tibees .

Julie Nolke - Would You Rather be Stuck in The Woods With A Bear or a Man?

She needs better help! Subscribe to Julie Nolke .

Artisan Structures

Today I met Duncan Dodds who is building a boathouse for Newnham College The larch and willow are all local from sustainable sources. See  Gary Hustvit's Anamorph and Documentary film Eno . Subscribe to Museum for the UN . See  and also  Rammed Earth Workshop at Galería Eureka, Tecate  and  Using Laminated Wood in Rammed Earth Construction .

David Gilmour Talking About Producer Charlie Andrew

"He's quite bossy, ... " See  The Making of Wild God, Part 2 . I prefer the crunchier intro to Frogs that's on the making of video to the one on the recording they released. But I don't know what they are trying to do with that track, ... In the version of Eno that I saw there was an amusing clip where someone asked David Bowie what Brian Eno's role as producer on Heroes actually entailed. The answer Brian Eno came up with was really interesting. It seemed that for Bowie the producer was somehow needed to be there so he could see himself through someone else's eyes. Which reminds me of a story, .. Subscribe to David Gilmour . Brian Eno - Stiff Subscribe to Brian Eno . Eric Clapton - Motherless Children Subscribe to Eric Clapton .

Gary Hustvit's Anamorph and Documentary film Eno

The one I saw was very, very good! Bloom is an app written by Brian Eno and Peter Chilvers, which plays generative ambient music based on various things, including the time of year. See Subscribe to Brian Eno . See  and  Anamorph’s generative technology reorders scenes to create unlimited versions of one film . Prophecy Theme from David Lynch's Dune (1984).

Avi Wigderson and Gregory Chaitin on Randomness and Pseudorandomness

Lecture given in 2012 at ETH Zurich. At 18:13  he gives a subjective definition of randomness. At 27:18 he claims that P=NP and the Riemann Hypothesis are questions about pseudorandomness. See  Daniel Tubbenhauer and Holly Krieger on The Riemann Hypothesis  and  Norman Wildberger - Let's Crack the Riemann Hypothesis . Here's his lecture on P=NP Subscribe to ETH Zurich . Gregory Chaitin on randomness and mathematical truth Subscribe to Closer to Truth . Daniel Tubbenhauer on Chaitin's constants: Subscribe to Visual Maths .

Finding Space for Plants

I didn't know violets could grow in places like this: I saw these posted around the place: I'm not sure where the QR code goes, but I found these University of Cambridge pages:  Leadership for a Nature Positive Economy (CISL) Infrastructures of urban nature (Department of Geography) See  Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)  and  Deep Purple - The Making of A Lazy Sod . And teaching English?  Mossy Earth's Ecuador Rainforest Project . So who's schitzophrenic? Me, apparently. Subscribr to Larkin Poe .

Deep Purple - The Making of A Lazy Sod

I didn't realise there was so much maths involved, ... They have recorded a whole new album, called =1. See Subscribe to Deep Purple .

Eron Woolf on Not Being Evil

See  Meta Are Hiring Intelligence Analysts  and wonder what these people do about existential threats to their company! See these posts  and Subscrbe to Futo .

David Lynch Theater Presents: The Answers to the Questions

Subscribe to David Lynch Theater . Subscribe to Twin Peaks Grammar . I saw "Hundreds of Beavers" last night, and it fits this description very well! Subscribe to Britflix .

Meta Are Hiring Intelligence Analysts

They really think they run the world! Here's part of the job description: Grade 1 Fusion Analyst - EMEA Job Overview: As a Grade 1 Intelligence Analyst, you will play a senior role within the Fusion Operations Core Intelligence team, leading on threat-hunting to proactively identify flags that may impact Meta's people, assets and reputation. ​​Responsibilities include but are not limited to: -Leads with threat hunting for events or indicators of concerns that may have personal safety or business continuity ramifications with support from Grade 2 and 3 analysts -Informs Partnerships and Operations Manager of any developing trends in the EMEA region, relevant to Global Security and Cross-Functional partners -Issues intelligence briefings to key partners in Global Security and Cross-Functional stakeholder meetings -Collates and produces concise, accurate, error-free texts to support individual projects -Other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Regional leads, Program l

Norman Wildberger on Euler's Product for the Zeta Function

See  Numberphile - Sophie Maclean on the Catalan Numbers .

The Story of John Canny of Donegal

So I was looking for a bothie in Donegal, ... Subscribe to Tom McClean . Subscribe to Emerson, Lake & Palmer .

An Idea for a Microcontroller Project

I was thinking of those microcontroller practical classes at Cornell run by Van Hunter Adams. See  Another Cornell Microcontroller Project - Using IMU Gyro Controls in a Labrynth Game . See also  CAN 2.0 driver using PIO coprocessors on the RP2040  and  What makes a good laboratory exercise?

Leave Curious is Going Mobile

Here's an idea about replacing lost wetlands, ... Support them on Patreon:  and subscribe to Leave Curious .