Bolivia's Narcocracy

This innovation in cocaine smuggling was reportedly used by Evo Morales. Some say it was it his invention:

What happened in Bolivia this weekend? Lee Camp Talking Crap About Bolivia. Here's my take, based on no concrete facts whatsoever, because I was kept incommunicado all the time I was there.

Evo Morales is a sheep-dipped DEA narco. He has a daughter living in the US in a property owned by him. She is/was attending a University in the States. Stanford, maybe. How else would he be able to own real-estate in the US when his presidential plane is impounded in the US because it was found to have traces consistent with it having been used to ship cocaine. Morales used to use the Canary islands as a refuelling stop and there are various Bolivian citizens living there, so I suspect that he was trafficking cocaine into Europe via the Canaries. It is even possible that it was being used to traffick cocaine before his adventure in the skies over Europe, when Edward Snowden was in the airport in Moscow. They used the Canaries at that time too. Look into the fracaso over the political asylum given to MAS people in the Spanish embassy in La Paz in December 2019, because it may be connected. Morales was an associate of "El Chapo" Guzman, who ran the Sinaloa cartel in Mexico, so Guzman's US trial in 2019 is probably part of this stpry too.

Morales' rise to power was orchestrated by the CIA and the Pentagon starting in September 2003, with the ludicrous hostage situation where a senior US Military officer, possibly a general, was in the Hotel Copacabana in Sorata owned by a known cocaine-trafficker called Kramer, who now lives in Germany.

What I suspect is that Luis Arce went to Sao Paolo, Brazil in 2018 to organise a fake coup. You need to find out who he was talking to in 2018 and 2019. I bet Elon Musk and Camacho were amongst their number. The British Ambassador to Bolivia was probably involved too. Arce is basically a puppet of Bolivian narcos.

To investigate this you need a real journalist like Seymour Hersch, not a couple of social media puppet hacks like Blumenthal and Parampil who don't have their own contacts and who let themselves be used by anyone and everyone, who has some bullshit story to peddle, like Bianca fucking Jagger or Roger fucking Waters! Polly Boiko knows what she's doing, so does Lori Harfenist and so do Vanessa Beeley and Witney Webb. This is a hell of a good story and would surely win a Pulitzer prize for whoever did a good job on it. The hard bit would be finding a publisher!

If I was doing this, I'd start by talking to Guzman, and I'd go and try interview Norwin Meneses in prison in Managua, if he's still alive. I'd also talk to some members of the LA gangs and maybe Freeway Rick Ross. That would give a basis from where to start building up a picture of the narcocracy.


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