Lee Camp Freaking Out About Reality, ...

See Central Banks Have All The Money, So ...

10:08 Your level four is where we have to start to recover the rational basis for life. Since Victorian times (industrial revolution) we have been treating the world as a concrete reality of "human nature" which is evolved from selfishness and unchangeable because that's human nature: we evolved to be selfish, so that's what's we are, by nature. And Nature with capital N is a product of meaningless evolution, so our rational minds are just an accidental consequence of our evolution as selfish creatures. But that's wrong. See my comments on https://eternaldoorman.blogspot.com/2020/10/how-to-thrive-in-battle-of-life.html What I say there is that we need to take control of that level four and realise that it is a construct of our education "system" by which mean education in a more general sense than a state curriculum, for example. Now there are a bunch of very well-respected academics at places like Oxford University, in the case of Richard Dawkins, who have spent their careers shoring up this stupid idea of selfish evolution and human nature, so they are apologists for the assholes who don't want people to live rationally and design their own society to prevent these fundamental problems with "human nature" from ever happening in the first case. In a court of law, after we have won, these senile old farts will be rolled out as expert witnesses to testify that it was all just a mistake, that we didn't know we were divine animals with the ability to determine our own essential nature, .... and so the bastards who killed thousands of us who tried to do exactly that, and change the education system so that human beings were in control of their own destiny, can put in a plea of ignorance. It's not ignorance though, it's just genocide and a crime against humanity.


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