I Just Saw Something Great on Mexican TV, ...

It was a documentary about US veterans working in Tanzania with the fight against elephant poachers. They were running it like a small scale military operation should be run. They were working at all levels simultaneously. They analysed the socioeconomics, they trained the guys who repaired the vehicles, they did basic first-responder medical stuff, and they probably got shot at, but I didn't see that bit. The program was called Operacion Tanzania and it might still be screening as I write this. I checked on Animal Planet's Latin American YouTube channel and all I got to see was this:

The comments are hilarious! But the program I saw about Tanzania sounded just like what I imagined Actionaid would coordinate, all over the world: https://actionaid.org/ but that was only based on the sound of their name, and this video, and the song:

So maybe it is just a joke.

Man, those ears just fucking gross me out! Maybe I'm a bit slow on the update! See here.


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