Ian from TimcastIRL on Software and Open Sourcing Big Tech's Code

You don't want to even look at that code, Ian. It is such a load of fucking shit that the people who "work" on it want to commit suicide when they go home st night. It was shit to start with and that was before the CIA started making them hack in all the filters and vias and fuck only knows what other shit is in there, .... See The DoJ Are Busy. The only way is to start again from the top down.

The other thing is that open sourcing systems doesn't make them any more secure. For example, how much of the source code on a Linux system distribution like Debian have you personally read and verified?

Here's something I wrote for the Bolivian Government six years ago: Developing Secure Communications.

Here's a deeper explanation: Genesis.

I'm sorry, I haven't listened to the discussion, because I wrote this shit eight years ago and I'm still waiting for someone to e-mail me and say they've read it and that it is interesting, and then tell me what are their ideas. If there ideas are just "open source the dumpster fire rat's nest of shit from hell" then they haven't read what I said, or they've never worked on a large-scale industrial software project.

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