Jeri Ellsworth - Youth On The Air 2021

How all through her life the Ham Radio operator community have been her mentors, ... But she could actually see and speak with them! They were a big part of getting the basic infrastructure of the internet going on IBM-PC computers. I remember the call-sign of a guy called Phil Quarn, KA9Q, I think, who wrote part of the TCP/IP stack, or maybe it was a PPP dialler of something, I forget. Quite a lot of this stuff ended up on early Linux systems too.

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Roger Waters - Radio Waves (1987)

I had a copy of this album on cassette tape, that I must've bought at a motorway services somewhere, and I never bothered to look up what it said in Morse code. I never learned Morse code. I was quite interested by the bits in the film The Imitation Game, about Alan Turing where the radio operator (listener) talks about an aesthetic sense listening to someone else's "hand" tapping a key on the other side of the world, ...

Lana Del Rey - Love

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