President of Mexico on Julian Assange

Six months ago he offered Assange political asylum, ...

Recently he called for Assange to be released, ... Lee Camp also mentions Pegasus spyware here, ...

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Somebody please tell Julian to bring a credit card with him, and a plastic chair and a stab vest because they're going to need to charge a credit card for his tourist visa, ... and he'll need the plastic chair when he joins a line of 1,000+ other migrants. The stab vest is because sometimes you get crazy guys running around with huge knives and there are no police within half an hour's drive of the immigration center, ... But if only Assange still had his Twitter account, then he could apply using Twitter DMs on the page of COMAR, ... I dunno what the R is for. Probably to make it sound more awake, like Señor Presidente! 😂 Mexican sovereignty? It goes back a long way, ...

Talk to Queen Isabel of Guatemala, ...


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