t.A.T.u. - 220 (Official Music Video)

 Weird how I never saw anything about this in 2018!!

«220» — the second single from t.A.T.u.’s third studio album «Happy Smiles».

The song was first presented to public as a bonus track to the maxi-single «White Robe». 

10th of June the music video has reached the 1st place on the Google search, meaning that at some point, it has become the most popular clip in the world. 

18th of June video climbed on 5th place in the Latin American chart «TOP 20 Video». 

July 17 - 1st place of the Polish charts MTV MAXXX HITS and reached the 7th position in Bulgaria. 

In late July - early August video becomes popular on VIVA and MTV Poland, MTV Baltic, MAD TV Bulgaria. 

January 1, 2009 music video was awarded as « Best video of 2008 » by MTV Russia. 

Music and lyrics are written by Valery Polienko.

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