Some Videos About Oil Spills and Cleanup

Why birds are so affected by oil spills:

How oil spills can be contained and cleared up (and why they make some beautiful photographs):

Subscribe to Seeker.

How shoreline cleanup can be organised

Subscribe to ITOPF films:

ITOPF are the leading, not-for-profit marine ship pollution response experts providing impartial advice worldwide on effective response to spills of oil & chemicals at sea.

Using natural fiber to absorb spilled oil:

See Hair Mats for Oil Spills.

Using natural waste as adsorbents:

Plants and soil biology can help:

And the natural processes can be safely accellerated, effectively by innoculating a spill with whatever natural oil-eating bacteria are around at the time:

And you could turn it into  a cover and video shoot for an album, ... See Storm Thorgerson - Wire Cow.

And make all this stuff the basis of a new economy: see Documentary - Real Value and Saya Hiyama on Work and Training.

See David Lynch's Weather Report.


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