Lana Del Rey - Arcadia

We need another miracle baby.

I have this frog story to tell you, ... See the review here: The Monster of the Madidi: Searching for the Giant Ape of the Bolivian Jungle (Hardcover):

I had imagined Bolivia to be a land of rocky landscapes - but no, there is a large area of Amazon rainforest too, full of tapirs, jaguars and monkeys.

Schoolteacher Simon Chapman, a jungle enthusiast (the book is dedicated to 'Carolyn, who understands my tree frog dreams') sets out on a journey inspired by a (mythical?) giant ape which lives there. He is also keen to recreate the journey of the 1920s explorer who claimed to have found the beast.

Here he describes a journey on foot and with collapsible dinghy through unchartered territory. Where the thick vegetation stops the GPS working, where snakes, flies and fungus beset them, and where differences of personality cause problems between the group. And where it's all too easy to get lost...

And another David Bowie song I just remembered:

Subscribe to Jaguar Bird.

It's such a long time since I heard this!

David Bowie - Red Shoes

Subscribe to David Bowie.

See Two Stories About The Native American Notion of Immortality:

"I wonder if there is any way that Elizabeth and I could be adopted by the Navajo Nation, or the Lakota Sioux Nation, ..." Or the Wahnapitae Ojibway First Nation:

Elder Leonard Peltier: Ojibway-Dakota - Wrongfully Imprisoned

This is a collection of words, photos and video segments about Grandfather / Elder  Leonard Peltier, Leader, Warrior & Visionary of the Anishinaabe, Ojibway, Lakota & Dakota Nations.

There is also a complimentary video, with "quotes" from Elder Leonard Peltier in this channel.

At the end of this video there are some clips from Former President Barack Obama that in my opinion apply to some of the "reasoning" (place better word here) of why Grandfather Leonard's case is where it is. He implied this himself, many times.

Elder Leonard Peltier, a great-grandfather, artist, writer & Indigenous rights activist, is a citizen of the Anishinaabe and the Dakota/Lakota Nations. 

A participant in the American Indian Movement (AIM), he assisted the Oglala Lakota people on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the mid-70s. 

During a tragic shoot-out on June 26th 1975, two agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation were killed.

Grandfather Leonard was wrongfully accused of the murder and fled to Canada, believing he would never receive a fair trial in the United States. 

In the evening of June 25th, huge dark thunderheads gathered over the Black Hills, followed by wild angry winds and lashing rain, that caused property damage all over the western part of South Dakota. 

Such natural turmoil, according to Indigineous beliefs foretold the event on June 26th 1975, the tragic shoot-out and Grandfather Leonard’s wrongful conviction in the deaths of two FBI agents,  for which he has been unjustly and arguable illegally imprisoned for over 30 years.

DemocracyNow! Report from 21st December 2016:

Subscribe to DemocracyNow!

Something interesting Gerardo told me the first time he recounted his story of being beaten by the police at a Macdonald's drive-thru was that it was because they thought he was an Indian. See The Case of Gerardo Nuñez Guiterres and This Could Be An Interesting Project. In particular this video I made on the street the first day I met him.

Russell Means describing Wounded Knee.

Subscribe to Wanbli Gleska Tokahe.

Buffy Saint-Marie - Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee

Subscribe to Sugarburn Dregs.


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