t.A.T.u - All The Things She Said

When I came here to d'Volada today, they were playing Kate Bush - Babooshka, now this:

Subscribe to t.A.T.u.

Now they're playing Lana Del Rey's Dealer. See On Communication in Linear Time And Hypertext And The Gospel of Sophia.

That's the difference between Russian girls and English girls, I guess:

Wolf Alice - Don't Delete The Kisses

Subscribe to Wolf Alice.

Now they're playing Lana Del Rey's The Blackest Day

... and Brooklyn Baby

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.

This is something to do with Donbass and the Ukraine, but I can't tell you what it is! But when I was in Bolivia in 2008 I met a Ukrainian truck driver who lived in the USA and was moving to Ixiamas, ... Maybe I wrote about that on my Cambridge Computer Lab web page after I got back, ... Try https://web.archive.org/web/20090805100636/http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~ig206/bolivia.pdf

See Lana Del Rey ... ("You are a KGB Agent!") and US Press Secretary Claims Russian Government is Planning To Carry Out A False Flag Operation As a Pretext for Invading Ukraine.

Posted in 2008, ...

Subscribe to Brian Kelly.

Subscribe to Pink Floyd.

Subscribe to Lana Del Rey.

See Amy Zegart on Cyberwar and Google Getting Overprotective.

Amy Zegart's TEDx talk at Stanford is actually very good:

Subscribe to TEDx.

See The Office of Net Assessment: The Pentagon's Technology Oracle and these posts about General Flynn.


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