Gigi Young - Demented Mars Madness

We make the world the cosmos we imagine, so we need to take care of human imagination. See Gigi Young on The Political Exploitation of Mysticsthese posts mentioning MarsTulsi Gabbard on Ukraine Biolabs and Anna TSWG - Reacting to Picard Season 2, Episode 2.

Subscribe to Gigi Young.

The Kangaroos from the future will save us from these monsters. See Hopi Prophecies and the Fifth World of the Australian Aboriginals and Jade on The Flow of Time.

Subscribe to Jean-Michel Jarre.

This is how they'll do it: Bomba Estéreo - A Story in Songs And Video

Subscribe to Bomba Estéreo.

... and Micheal Jackson is trying to help too: Carmaxlla - Michael Jackson in My Back Yard (Halloween).

See this beautiful lecture: Billie Topa Tate - The Daily Practices of Native American Mystics - Medicine Men and Medicine Women

See Billie Topa Tate's books The Smudging Ceremony Book: The Apache Guide to The Sacred Smudging Plants and Reiki Heart Blessing Training Book: Wonderful New Way of Using the Healing Power of Reiki.

Subscribe to American Theosophical Society.

See Wally Brown on Happiness And Living Happily and Sadhguru on Magnetic Fields And The Human Body.


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