Bread & Cie - Damn Fine Bread!

Even a day or two later it's still so good I ended up eating half the loaf: Ian Grant's Weather Report.

See and my comment yesterday on this Applied Science video, from Applied Science - Laser Cutting and Silver Sintering to Make Ceramic Circuit Boards:

The Raspberry Pi kiln controller sounds like fun. When I was in Cochabamba I spent some time fantasizing about pizza, and thinking about what sort of a clay/brick bread oven you could make using traditional techniques and computer control of humidity and temperature. Traditional bread ovens have multiple uses. You need high temperature for pizzas, but then you can cook other stuff as it cools down. Loaves, cakes etc. and finishing off with meringues and things which are more like a drying process than a cooking process. So the kinds of software you use in a controller would need to be modular arrangements like they use in SCADA systems in industry for controlling complex chemical manufacturing processes. You need modules that produce trigger events for opening and closing valves etc. when certain sensors go into into certain ranges.


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