Dr. Todd Grande - Deadly Mother-Daughter Relationship

I was in the chat when someone accused Brittany Venti of being manipulative. I thought "Well lots of women have to be manipulative to survive", but I didn't think Brittany was one of them.

Subscribe to Todd Grande.

Brittany Venti on being beautiful and paying taxes:

Subscribe to Brittany Venti.

I had a weird dream about Brittany last night, I think, or the night before. In the dream I was chewing coca and Brittany started to kiss me.It wasn't unpleasant, but I couldn't understand why she would want to kiss me, even when I didn't have a mouthfull of chewed-up coca! But then it got weird. Suddenly she developed a roll of fat around her stomach, like I have, ... And then her face started changing into a man's face. Fortunately I woke up at that moment. This happened after another dream where I was chasing a pretty woman across a big room, like the atrium of a building, or a dance studio, and when I caught up with her I found she'd turned into a man. These dreams were borderline nightmares! 😂


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