Dr. Todd Grande on Narcissist Behaviors

This just sounds like people with fragile egos who are deeply insecure. Does it really need a label beyond that?

Why is narcissism formidable? (Actually he says people ask "Why are narcissists formidable?")

How not to mistake a psychopath for a narcissist:

See the comment by Ronnie for a detailed index of the talk:

Having listened to those three talks I guess I must seem incredibly naive! See Sunsets and Psychology With Myra West.

Or am I just a narcissist? Somebody once told me I was, when I tried to get people to design decent computer software. See The Mother of all Software Vulnerabilities.

Oh dear, principle type schemes, Andy Pitts? Or Principal type-schemes for functional programs? See Hilary Putnam on Philosophy And our Mental Life and https://prooftoys.org/ian-grant/hm/.

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