Mermaid Motel - Lana Del Rey's Swan Song

Video with scenes from Disney's Make Mine Music (1946) and The Steadfast Tin Soldier.

Subscribe to Mermaid Motel.

Dinah Shore - Two Silhouettes:

This Segment "Two Silhouettes" featured two rotoscoped live-action ballet dancers, David Lichine and Tania Riabouchinskaya, moving in silhouette with animated backgrounds and characters. [The couple were both Russian dancers who were married in 1943 and lived in Los Angeles from 1953.]

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The Steadfast Tin Soldier (1976)

Советский мультфильм для детей экранизация одноимённой сказки Ганса Христиана Андерсена. Создан студией в 1976 году

По сценарию оловянный солдатик разговаривает песнями, а чёртик из табакерки и крыса — стихами. Балерина проводит в молчании весь мультфильм и только мимикой и жестами показывает свои чувства. Говорит прозой только писатель (в начале и в конце мультфильма).

Нажми лайк, если любишь советские мультфильмы.

Soviet cartoon for children. An adaptation of the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen. Created by the studio in 1976.

According to the scenario, the tin soldier speaks in songs, and the devil from the snuffbox and the rat speak in verse. The ballerina spends the entire cartoon in silence and shows her feelings only with facial expressions and gestures. Only the writer speaks prose (at the beginning and at the end of the cartoon).

Subscribe to Мультики студии Союзмультфильм.

See Lana Del Rey on Cover of W Magazine 2022.

Marriage D'amour by Paul de Senneville (a.k.a. Chopin Spring Waltz)

Subscribe to Toms Mucenieks.

The mystery is the bit at 4:23, ...


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