Lana Del Rey's Selfie September 7, 2021

I don't know what prompted her to take that, but this is something I posted the same day: For My Immediate Family. Maybe I was inspired by Anthony Hopkins' performance as much as Elizabeth's poem Sportcruiser: see Movie Review - Silence of The Lambs (1991) and Happy Birthday Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. I'm getting some strange stuff from an e-mail address purporting to be one of my father's:

"The Country's president" Ian Douglas Smith gave my father a medal for the role he played in that illegal action. I wonder whether he still has it? And I also wonder why my brother and I aren't on that page? Are we not male, or are we not descendents of Forbes Grant? See Father John Misty and Lana Del Rey - Everybody's Girl.

Juan, we need a meta-sandbox to handle the case where nobody is quite sure about which Air Force they fly for! See Dan Gryder on Broomfield, CO Crashes and Juan Browne on Cal Fire Drills and John Schneider On His Film Like Son.

Another post I made that day: Lana Del Rey - Ride.

See Happy Birthday Elizabeth Woolridge Grant.

From 1967: Hunter S Thompson meets a Hell's Angel.

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