Ian Grant's Weather Report

I got radicalised by a beautiful young woman taking photos of the legislative assembly building! 😂 See Costa Rica Legislative Assembly.

John Skilling on Information https://youtu.be/xnV0CxO43fg

It's hard to see what's right about that when you can't see what his laser is pointing at.

Around that time I also communicated with Malcolm Sabin at the Computer Lab who very kindly re-keyed a paper he once wrote on Kriging and continuous surface patches constructed from discrete finite sample spaces. I was only interested in it because I was thinking about how to use the NASA SRTM data to generate topographical maps which were hard to get hold of for Bolivia. See https://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/ Malcolm's research has much wider applications than that though. See, e.g. Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-67885-6

Here's Sally Taylor explaining wholeness and perception and communicating with art. See David Lynch's Weather Report today:

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