Lana Del Rey and Suzanne Vega


Suzanne Vega - Solitude Standing

Subscribe to Suzanne Vega.

Suzanne Vega on the genesis of her song Luka. This is interesting. The song really made me sad. But I thought it was about a woman.

Subscribe to Top 2000 A Gogo.

Teal Swan on the trauma healing paradox.

Subscribe to Teal Swan.

See also these posts mentioning Teal Swan and also these body horror traumas of mine: Maggie's Best of 2022 (so far) and Evil Lana Del Rey.

On Teal Swan's idea of spirals of abuse:

I refer to Fred Young. He is actually Frank Young: see Jaguar Bird - Let's Find 5 Year Old Frank Young.

See ‘…a paper …I hold to be great guns’: a commentary on Maxwell (1865) ‘A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field’ by Malcolm Longair.

Here's a video I made referring to this church I was sitting outside when I recorded that video yesterday morning. The people at that church had paid me MX$. 300 just to sweep the pavement outside! I protested that was too much, and the guy who gave me the money said "it's from God, of you have a problem with that, then, ..." But he didn't telle what to do. They then, later, invited me to attend a "men only" service at 9:30 AM yesterday. I recorded the above video around 8:30 AM and then I got hungry and nobody was around, so I went off to look for something to eat. Above that church there is a gym and the people in there were listening to hip-hop whilst maintaining their personal temples! That made me feel guilty too. I used to look after my body before I started trying to change the world, ...

My guilt trip was as a consequence of posting this: Brittany Venti & Lila Hart on Semantics.


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