Demonstrations in Switzerland in the Sixties and Seventies

This is possibly what those demonstrations were: Swiss suffragettes were still fighting for the right to vote in 1971:

It was not until 1971, 65 years after Finland became the first European country to grant women the vote, that Switzerland became the last, not only in Europe but in much of the world.

The reason? Switzerland's unique system of direct democracy. It requires a national referendum for constitutional change. So the rights of Swiss women were at the mercy of those who could vote in such a referendum – that is, men. ..."We had direct democracy, but it didn't work," says Gosteli, "changing the situation was not possible without the vote of the women and the women didn't have the vote."

The same situational logic plagues free market capitalism. There you "vote with your pocketbook" on the value of goods and services, so who gets a vote, and who doesn't?

See Securitas AG. The company was founded in 1907. In the twenties "The newly founded League of Nations employed Securitas AG as security service in its headquarters, the Palais des Nations in Geneva, where the guards protected delegates, showed visitors around, monitored entrances and inspected journalists."

See also Nestlégate: At the founding, ATTAC had specific statutory objectives based on the promotion of the Tobin tax. For example, ATTAC Luxembourg specifies in article 1 of its statutes that it: ... aims to produce and communicate information, and to promote and carry out activities of all kinds for the recapture, by the citizens, of the power that the financial sector has on all aspects of political, economic, social and cultural life throughout the world. Such means include the taxation of transactions in foreign exchange markets (Tobin tax). [see Luxembourg Official Journal, p. 42, ATTAC Statutes (Translated from French)]

Art. 1er. Constitution. - Objet.
Il est formé, entre les soussignés, ainsi que les personnes, physiques ou morales qui adhéreront par la suite aux présents statuts, une a.s.b.l. déclarée, régie par la loi 21 avril 1928, et qui a pour objet de produire et communiquer de l’information, ainsi que de promouvoir et mener des actions de tous ordres en vue de la reconquête, par les citoyens, du pouvoir que la sphère financière exerce sur tous les aspects de la vie politique, économique, sociale et culturelle dans l’ensemble du monde. Parmi ces moyens figure la taxation des transactions sur les marchés des changes (taxe Tobin).

L’association peut faire toutes les opérations utiles directement et indirectement pour la réalisation de son objet.

Tobin objected to the use of his name to describe the activities of the ATTAC movement:

He says he has nothing in common with their goals and supports free trade — "everything that these movements are attacking. They're misusing my name."

See also Alternatiba.


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