Neil Turok on Lambda CDM

43:05 He really doesn't do a good job at all of describing that CPT symmetry thing and how it explains how everything came from a point. Maybe this video of Jade's gives you an idea what he means. See the bit at 48:56 where he talks about it being analogous to time-reversal in Newtonian mechanics.

Here's the hook:

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Toby has read Carlo Rovelli's book on White Holes, and she also has developed a kind of calculus of experience for higher dimensions. In other words: although we can't actually experience living in a space of more than three dimensions, we can calculate with analogues of our experiences in three dimensional space and the result is that we can deduce the consequences of being able to move around and make observations in higher (or lower) dimensional spaces.

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Jade is looking for an expert in geometry, topology and the shape of space. 

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Toby is clearly one such expert. I suggested Neil Turok, but I think he's probably too busy promoting Lambda CDM. As to the actual shape of space, that's welly complicated! See Anton Petrov - The Cosmos Was An Hallucination of a Slime Mold.

See Chapter XLIX. The beggar’s return of Sylvie & Bruno Vol's I & II:

Here's Daniel Tubbenhauer on the Poincaré Conjecture (which was not really a conjecture so much as a question!)

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Perelman's proof used an argument based on physical intuition, based on work by Richard Hamilton I think.

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