Daniel Tubbenhauer on Diagrammatic Algebra and Quantum Topology

That swap-map diagram is just composition of permutations, I think. Every permutation can be decomposed into a chain of swaps.

Quantum Topology and the Jones Polynomial:

See Wikipedia on Quantum topology.

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These diagrams all seem to involve some sort of process of building up processes from primitive processes, ... that reminded me of Girard's Proof Nets in Linear Logic, ... Then I started watching Voevodsky's lecture on Type Systems from Vladimir Voevodsky - An Intuitive Introduction to Motivic Homotopy Theory where he talks about type systems over finitary monads on sets.

17:33 It seems I'm not the only one that doesn't have a fucking clue what he is talking about! 23:55 Bob Harper was in the audience, apparently. So it sounds like that was a Categorical semantics for the type system, which type system he then tried to define using a set of inference rules, but got a bit bogged down with the type of Types, which are usually called Kinds.

So maybe the next two lectures are a bit more clear:

Type Systems I (November 28, 2012)

Alpha equivalence is a quotient inducing an invariant under permutations of the bound variables. See Daniel's video above about diagrammatic algebra.

Type Systems II (December 5, 2012)

Isn't great to see how intelligent people can work together on something? Why is this so rare?

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Jessica Chastain really liked the part she played she played in this:

Subscribe to Anapurna.

If she felt like the character Jodie Foster plays in Silence of the Lambs, then who the hell am I in this movie?

They're all gross!

Here's me talking about intuitionistic and classical logic with some bats!


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