
Showing posts from February, 2025

Julia Buenaventura on NSO Group and Pegasus

She wants it! All the details, including those screenshots of the "management interface" See . Subscribe to Julia Buenaventura .

Leave Curious on The British Beaver

They're finally legal! I'm not sure what they'll make of being subject to  a top-down management strategy though, ... sounds grim to me. See Beaver wild release: a milestone for nature recovery in England .  Subscribe to Leave Curious . They don't really build rocket ships in secret, that's just in movies.

Everyday Tech on RaspAP

This ( RaspAP ) is the best source of information I've found so far on how to configure a standard Debian machine as a NAT gateway for a private LAN. See . RaspAP is a set of network configuration scripts run through a web server which provides a PHP web page to change the configuration, ... but it uses enough of the basic networking setup of Ubuntu 24.04 to give an idea of what's feasible. The web server and associated stuff can be installed and run in a docker container: . You can also install it as a disk image for a Raspberry Pi.  Here's the previous edition: It's a real mess of stuff you have to do! Subscribe to Everyday Tech .

Oregon Zoo Celebrating International Polar Bear Day

Happy day to all International Polar Bears! Subscribe to Oregon Zoo .

The World Wide Web is Broken

The problem is that the idea of making information available to the general public has been tied to the particular computer systems used to store that information and that doesn't really work. There are lots of problems, but the main ones are: The information that is made available can depend upon who or what is accessing the information. This is built into the way web servers are configured. Just because one person sees a certain page on a web server there is no particular reason to believe that another person accessing that server from another device will see the same thing. The fact that the information is stored on one particular web server means that that server is a single point of failure in the delivery chain. If your web server is down nobody can see the information on it. To disseminate information widely requires a large amount of bandwidth and correspondingly a large amount of server resources. Access to the information depends crucially on having network access to the ...

Roger Penrose on AI and Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem

The interviewer doesn't seem to have much of an idea of what Penrose is talking about. Neither do I though. See Steen's 1973 book Mathematical Logic with special reference to the natural numbers . Subscribe to  This Is World .

Toby Reading Martin Garder's Sixth book of Mathematical Games from Scientific American

Toby's video is on her Patreon page . He talks about Ivan Bell's 1960 response to Project Ozma , a precursor of the SETI programme to search for radio broadcasts from extra-terrestrial civilizations. See Martin Gardner's Sixth book of mathematical games from Scientific American . Gardner also mentions Hélène Smith’s story narrated in From India to the Planet Mars: A Study of a Case of Somnambulism with Glossolalia by the Swiss psychologist, Théodore Flournoy (1854-1921) who taught at the University of Geneva.  See From India to Mars: A Swiss shop girl's many lives . This reminded me of the amazing CIA Project Stargate from the late seventies and early eighties where they used remote viewers to explore Mars around the time of one million years BC. See . Gardner's column must have been written around 1964/5, at the time of the NASA Mariner IV mission to Mars. See Gigi Young - More Mars Mad...

Restoring Britain's Green Desert

Dartmoor is a man-made desert that's deteriorating because of poor land-management and overgrazing. It currently contributes less than 3% of England's total food production. The Dartmoor National Park is mostly privately-owned land. See the Dartmoor National Park Authority web page on Land Management : Land within the National Park is not nationally owned, as in many other countries. All land within the National Park is privately owned. On Dartmoor there are a few major landowners such as the Duchy of Cornwall, South West Water and Forestry Commission, but the rest is owned by a myriad of small landowners. The National Park Authority is also a small landowner, owning land at Haytor Down, Holne Moor and Plaster Down as well as other smaller sites. The National Park Authority works to influence land management through partnership and agreement with landowners, farmers and commoners.   Subscribe to Leave Curious . Eight months ago The Savory Institute posted the sixth episode of ...

René Rebe on Portable Desktop App Frameworks

In particular he talks about Electron , which appeared about a decade ago, ... He thinks there might be a better way. I'm sure there is, but the problem is how you convince people it would be worth doing. Here's my 10 cents: Start at the top by defining a language to describe the gross features of the kinds of data the apps are meant to manipulate. These will be things like message forums, threads, messages, user profiles, preferences, user signup and login etc. Then use another language to take these high-level descriptions and define user-interfaces for accessing/altering them. These include status bars, popup notifications etc. This would be a process calculus , allowing you define timers and actions taken when certain events occur. Then for each computational platform, compile those descriptions into machine code on the fly. To do that you will need a whole hierarchy of device driver type information (Interrupts, DMA channels, bus events etc.) and some structure which defi...

SCMP - What’s behind the exodus of US-based Chinese academics?

Donald Trump, of course. Making China Great Again! Subscribe to South China Morning Post . Japan's rise in the semiconductor industry: Subscribe to Asianometry .

Peter Bergmann is Giving up on Skool

 See Technology Connections on What You'd Think Was Fundamental to an Information Society . Terence McKenna on Trading With Aliens (Santa Fe, NM 1990): Regarding his opening remark, see the Encyclopedia Britannica entry on The War on Drugs : The U.S. Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, which allocated $1.7 billion to the War on Drugs and established a series of “mandatory minimum” prison sentences for various drug offenses. A notable feature of mandatory minimums was the massive gap between the amounts of crack and of powder cocaine that resulted in the same minimum sentence: possession of five grams of crack led to an automatic five-year sentence while it took the possession of 500 grams of powder cocaine to trigger that sentence. Since approximately 80% of crack users were African American, mandatory minimums led to an unequal increase of incarceration rates for nonviolent Black drug offenders, as well as claims that the War on Drugs was a racist institution. Subscr...

Short Film - I'm Not A Robot

Subscribe to The New Yorker . Interview with writer and director Victoria Warmerdam and Trent, producer: Subscribe to In Creative Company .  

Technology Connections on What You'd Think Was Fundamental to an Information Society

I mean, we have been making things for a long time, and we've made this thing to share information, so we'd use it to share information about the things we've been making, wouldn't we? Try this in Google's reverse image search:  See . We know the algorithms are crap. That's because they're designed by idiots. The more important issue is that the actual information people curate isn't being disseminated. That's partly because people who curate information want their curated information to remain theirs. They don't really want to share it. Subscribe to Technology Connections .

Ethnobotany in A Fruit and Vegetable Market in Puyo, Ecuador

Subscribe to Crime Pays but Botany Doesn't .

Terence Tao and Daniel Tubbenhauer on Mathematics and AI

At 50:50 he makes an observation that AI doesn't have access to the process mathematicians go through in proving a difficult theorem. Indeed, student's don't even have access to it! This institute was founded by Jim Simons with some of his ill-gotten gains, ... see Jane Street Capital . Subscribe to Simons Foundation . Daniel Tubbenhauer has started a whole series on this: At the end of Terence Tao's talk ( 56:43 ) there is a question that connects with what Daniel says about the way mathematicians work. People who work in category theory often have the notion that there is a kind of natural and logical order in which theorems appear. When you don't work on them in that natural way then you can end up having to use convoluted and roundabout reasoning to get past areas where you have don't have the necessary knowledge. Then later people discover much more concise proofs which are direct and don't have these elaborate excursions around the darker areas of ...

Yoko Ono - 컷피스 (1965)

  Subscribe to texto sobre tela .  Subscribe to Rachel Clark .  Reading from "Grapefruit" (1964)  Subscribe to funkytofunky11 .

Generating Random Bits with Avalanche Noise

They chose to design a device that produces random bits over a USB connection provided by an ATmega32U4 . There was a time when US export restrictions covered random bit generators and so some security hardware was shipped with a set of dice so users could generate random keys reliably! See also this ars technica piece from 2013 “We cannot trust” Intel and Via’s chip-based crypto, FreeBSD developers say .  See also this Hackaday article Towards The Perfect Coin Flip: The NIST Randomness Beacon and this wired 2003 story about the Lava Lite RNGs . See RAVA: An Open Hardware True Random Number Generator Based on Avalanche Noise by Gabriel Guerrer. The essential elements are a boost convertor to get a 24 V reverse bias voltage Then it uses a pair of reverse-biased diodes to generate two signals which are compared against each other: This produces around six V CMP   transitions per microsecond:   If you want faster random bit-rates you could consider adding more of these mod...

Baby Oarfish Strands Itself Right at the Feet Of Tourists in Baja California

This is so sad! See these posts . Then they uploaded another video:  They look pretty similar to me. Subscribe to New Scientist .

VCF SoCal 2025

Jeri Ellsworth was there!  Subscribe to Levi C. Maaia . All those acoustic couplers and there aren't any telephone handsets around any more that fit them! Subscribe to DS08 .

Lost Property

Unfortunately Blogger strips the tags from jpeg images, so you won't know where this was taken or when. It was three days ago, on the bank of the river Cam, somewhere opposite St John's Lane, Horningsea . 

Angela Collier on AI

She has to write software at her job. I feel sorry for her. Ah but now we are going to have quantum AI and that's going to redesign everything perfectly from scratch. Seriously. That nice lady from Microsoft said so! All we have to figure out is how you interface a pile of crap (including all other AIs) to the perfect design for the future. Subscribe to Angela Collier . Lunduke - Microsoft Creates a New Form of Quantum Matter to Avoid Fixing Windows How many qubits do you need to play tic-tac-toe? Nine. See e.g. . If you write an ordinary classical program to play tic-tac-toe then you only need to consider whether the players select corners, edges or the center square, because there are many board states which are just rotations, reflections or transpositions (swapping Xs and Os) of other states. Subscribe to Lunduke . Here's Sabine Hossenfelder recovering from an existential crisis and advertising Brilliant again: Subscribe to Sabi...

Rachel Phillips Talking With Jon Kim and Ben Dejong About State Geological Surveys

State Geological Surveys started out as projects but then became institutions. See Subscribe to  Geosociety . See  Geochemist Girl on The Origin of Earth's Water . 

Printing An Underwater Autonomous Vehicle

It looks like a bottle of Pepsi with fins!  See . Their aim is to build the best underwater drones in the world.  Subscribe to  CPSdrone . I completely understand why they want to do that! See  MBARI - A Day in The Life of an Underwater Robot . MBARI say they need many more to improve survey coverage:  See  Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute .  Subscribe to MBARI . 

Spitfire Audio - BBC Radiophonic Workshop Library

Sounds like an argument about the history of electronic music is developing!  Subscribe to Spitfire Audio . Subscribe to Erica Synths . They did an interview too (with really superb recording!):  Subscribe to Spitfire Audio .

SCP Foundation - Books Are Pasé

See   Cistercian Numerals And knitting? Maybe ask Thomas Forster? Send your solutions to or . 22:32 Turing Completeness .  37:39 I looked up Google to see if there was anything on transducers for detecting REM sleep phases , but I didn't find anything. Weird. Subscribe to .  One Million Checkboxes:  Subscribe to Recurse Centre . One Million Checkboxes and other games:  Subscribe to bleeptrack . Subscribe to Because Science

Geochemist Girl on The Origin of Earth's Water

She makes nuclear physics sound interesting!!! And this prompted me to get myself a copy of the amazing 1967 book Physical Geography by R. K. Gresswell : I had a copy of this with me in Bolivia which I bought at a US Embassy staff second-hand book sale in Calacoto in La Paz. Subscribe to GEO GIRL .

Louis Rossmann on The World Going to Hell in A Shopping Cart

Amazon are going to prevent people downloading Kindle ebooks which means that you cannot be sure that you are reading the same text you read before on a Kindle. It also means that authors can have their works changed after they were published, even after they have died! See this paywalled story in The Times Roald Dahl ebooks ‘force censored versions on readers’ despite backlash : Puffin announces plans to publish a classic collection as it emerges online libraries are being automatically updated with sensitivity changes. See also this Guardian story Roald Dahl publisher announces unaltered 16-book ‘classics collection’ Series will be released alongside controversially amended versions to leave readers ‘free to choose which version they prefer’. Both of these were from February 2023. It is totally fucked up. There is a yawning chasm between the legislative rights and the actual technology that's being used. See Louis Rossmann is the US FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection an...

Brian Eno on What Art Does

He has written a book with Bette Adriaanse: What Art Does: An Unfinished Theory . Subscribe to Faber Books . Here is talking about his calculus. The audio is terrible on this, it makes you feel like your ear has filled with water while you were swimming!  Subscribe to Institute of Art and Ideas .

Anna Collard & Christine Gordon-Bennett - Zen and The Art of Cognitive Defence

I failed the first lesson. I couldn't carry on listening after she told the story about how she had to do a cyber-security training course after she clicked a link in a message. See Hannah Lee Duggan and Ntando Mngomezulu on Securing Your Environment . Subscribe to BSides Cape Town .

Jean Michel Jarre on AI, VR and Music and The Arts

Jean Michel Jarre just reorganised his Equinoxe Infinity album playlist, so now it goes "Infinity, one, two, three." See  Gigi Young - Demented Mars Madness .  This was from early December 2018: The last clip is a Q&A about VR and it was done in VR. It's not much to look at, but the discussion is interesting. Close Your Eyes Subscribe to Jean-Michel Jarre . Here's a 2015 talk in his studio, about how they made that track:  Subscribe to Music Radar Tech .

Gabriele Carcassi and Curt Jaimungal Waxing Philosophical

Gabriele Carcassi posted a short essay on constitutive principles and principle theories and Curt Jaimungal posted an even shorter one on deterministic theories . See Sabine Hossenfelder - Donner und Blitz . See Parity and CPT Symmetry for some examples.  See Toby's short video about Martin Gardner's Mathematical Games article on mirror symmetry:  Mathematical Games - Left or Right?  Notice that physicists never measure the spin of a free electron. The only way I know of to measure spin is to use a Stern-Gerlach apparatus to measure the magnetic moment indirectly by measuring the torsion on a whole atom or ion as it passes through an inhomogeneous magnetic field. This reminds of something I once wrote about parts and wholes.  I did actually try this out on someone and he said "How did you do that?!" So it worked at least once!  That book all goes to hell around page 33, when I started thinking about religion and religious sects. See  Toby on Martin ...

Open Source Systems Software Adventures

Here's his livestream Q&A. Starts at 6:21 : Subscribe to DJ Ware . I have been looking at how Linux does The Internet. Some people think of Open Source as an ecosystem, but to me it's a bit more like studying geology than ecology. See Laura Hiking in The Grand Canyon in The Snow . The processes at work are things like deposition, uplift and erosion on a background of plate tectonics processes which occur on a much longer timescale. I even found something akin to Powell's Great Unconformity . See Rusty's Remarkably Unreliable Guides and Farewell from Rusty Russell ( . Early on, the uplift processes resulted in iproute2 and the basis for networking knowledge was washed away and replaced by Netfilter . But other uplift processes have been at work and there has been some igneous intrusion in the kernel in the form of the Berkeley Packet Filter . I wonder if this latent volcanism will ever come to anything? Meanwhile, aided by Gnomes --- some sort of petrif...

Laura Hiking in The Grand Canyon in The Snow

See Laura Hiking in Canyonlands and Arches National Parks in Utah . Before that she was in Monument Valley and Horseshoe Bend on the Colorado River:  I worked out that that was three and half days easy ride on horseback around 1865: See  The Searchers (1956) . Subscribe to Goldilocks . GEO Girl has a story about The Grand Canyon, or bits of a story. The thing is nobody is quite sure how or when it formed, and there is something called "The Great Unconformity" observed by John Wesley Powell, which is a piece of missing geological time in the layers stretching around a billion years or so. Subscribe to GEO GIRL . Then I saw this video about the Great Unconformity as it appears in Cody, Wyoming where they say it was caused by an uplift event. I can't help wondering whether the fault that produced the unconformity also set up the conditions for the subsequent erosion of the canyon. There is a link to some USGS mapping and an interactive geological map of the Grand Canyon...

Hannah Lee Duggan and Ntando Mngomezulu on Securing Your Environment

Hannah Lee Duggan is talking about packing for travelling in, say South Africa, for six weeks or so, ... That's a lot more stuff you have to be responsible for than a jute sack with a couple of blankets and some warm clothes, ... but that was South America. Subscribe to Hannah Lee Duggan . Ntando Mngomezulu is talking about what you need to know to secure a micro-finance banking system based in Fineract CN in South Africa if you use AWS and Kubernetes. He starts by pointing out that at the end of 2021 Verizon research showed that 10% of the on-line services that are on the cloud had suffered more compromises per year than the other 90% of systems not on cloud services. Then he goes on to explain exactly why, ... it's ludicrously complex, and at 25:08 , the security infrastructure has been the source of more than one vulnerability.  Subscribe to BSides Cape Town .

Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't - Erythroxylum gracilipes:The Mother of Coca

This is recorded in northern Panama. I wonder if that's where the Kallawaya community in Panama get coca.  They were probably descendents of those who cured the workers on the Panama canal of Malaria and other diseases. See this very long article The Kallawaya: Doctors of the Inka By Tracy L. Barnett and Hernán Vilchez also available in Spanish: Los Kallawaya: Los Médicos de los Inka . Maybe they're one of the resilient communities Vi Hart was talking about? See Julie Nolke Talking Movies With Her Friend . Image source Wikipedia . See . I was told about coca growing right down on the border with Colombia but I couldn't find it. I suspect because I was looking for a smaller bush, not such a large tree! I guess this might be the tree which the Kogi in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia chew. See this article in Systematic Biology, Volume 70, Issue 1, January 2021: The Origins of Coca: Muse...

Stratospheric UAVs

The plan is to make Earth Observation platforms that fly for months on end. See Subscribe to Kea Aerospace . Here's one that is launched from a balloon: See Subscribe to Cloudless .  It's great that they fitted them with microphones! Juan Browne is going to eat his underpants. See  Juan Browne Cruising Oroville Reservoir Again .  You could use these instead of communications satellites: Subscribe to  Polyus . LoRa Mesh Networks for beginners. He seems to me to be missing the point completely: Radio Communications background for LoRa Networks Subscribe to Subscribe to Buck 65 . You can get this from Bandcamp: Subscribe to Jenn Grant . 

Terence Tao on How The Universe Got So Darned Big

Subscribe to UCLA . And Hannah Fry on a a few awkward steps on the cosmic ladder, ... This video has had 1.5M views! And it's a curious thing that in Atomic Units the Fine Structure Constant is the reciprocal of the speed of light. You have to ask a physicist about that. See Edward Frenkel on Jungian Archetypes in Mathematics and Sci-Movie Movie - UFO (2018) . Subscribe to Hannah Fry .

Juan Browne Cruising Oroville Reservoir Again

He also gets some views of Mt Shasta and the Shasta Dam. Subscribe to Blancolirio .

Sabine Hossenfelder - Donner und Blitz

See  Science needs reason to be trusted but it's behind a paywall. Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder .

Sayaka's Victor HC-90 Dual CPU MSX Computer

See the schematics at She did a video about the history of MSX machines. They were still being produced in Japan in early 1995: She also did an interview with Kazuhiko Nishi a few months ago: Subscribe to  Sayaka's Digital Attic . Last year there was an MSX Devcon in Pisa!  Subscribe to Italian MSX Association .

Daniel Tubbenhauer on Computational Science

I'd never heard the term before!! This diagram showing the sum of the first n consecutive odd numbers equals the square of n reminds me of an idea I once had about diagrammatic proof. The idea is that you can do diagrammatic proofs from the top down and they can be quite as rigorous as proofs by induction because the diagrams are no longer limited to a finite number of cases. I think it's related to co-induction which Mike Gordon at Cambridge wrote about just before he died. See Corecursion and coinduction: what they are and how they relate to recursion and induction . Subscribe to Visual Math .

Myra West With Some Advice About People

Subscribe to Myra West .

Toby Is Looking for People Who Want to Sponsor Illustrations in her New Book

It's about space and dimensions. You can sponsor an illustration by going to . See her Patreon post for details. A lot of the illustrations are already sponsored. Here are some of the ones still available:  See .

Mentour Pilot on How NOT to Roast Large Birds in Flight

This is a problem caused by a new device used on modern jet engines which use large fan blades to achieve better fuel efficiency. The device automatically reduces the load on engine bearings when a fan blade is broken. It does this by dumping the engine oil into the air intake,...  Not sure why that helps, except perhaps to shut the engine down faster. But in the 737 MAX the resulting combustion products when the engine starts to burn oil enter the cabin and the cockpit through the pressurised air intake. The oil may have additives which make for a serious health risk to anyone who inhales this smoke. I haven't watched all of this video, but it also highlights a problem of how to carry out emergency checklists when the conditions affect the crew's ability to actually follow the list because, for example, the smoke is so thick that they can't see the flight instruments! This video is an appeal to people to get the FAA to take this particular problem more seriously than they ...

Julie Nolke Talking Movies With Her Friend

  They're going to sue her ass to kingdom come when they realise what she's done to them! And Gina Louise Phillips has been through some awful stuff already! Subscribe to Julie Nolke . Now listen to Vi Hart talk about Microsoft and technology development for resilient communities: Subscribe to Microsoft Research .  Subscribe to Buck 65 .

Sarah King Demonstrating A Classy Drum Machine

A kit for cinematic scoring. 10:15 I can't even figure out how this app he uses below connects with the sequencer. See also Spitfire Audio - Evelyn Glennie's Percussion Samples . Subscribe to Spitfire Audio . Nick Cave & Thomas Wydler making a joke about drum machines: And speaking of Wild Gods: Ellis Park - Warren Ellis Co-founded a Wildlife Sanctuary in Sumatra! Nick Cave is not above using drum machines, if they're the right thing for the job:  Subscribe to Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds . Subscribe to Gearfacts . The Alan Parsons Project did a whole thing based on works of Edgar Allan Poe. See Gerald Jay Sussman on The Legacy of Computers and Edgar Allan Poe's essay The Philosophy of Composition which begins: Charles Dickens, in a note now lying before me, alluding to an examination I once made of the mechanism of “Barnaby Rudge,” says—“By the way, are you aware that Godwin wrote his ‘Caleb Williams’ backwards? He first involved his hero in a web of difficult...