Gabriele Carcassi and Curt Jaimungal Waxing Philosophical

Gabriele Carcassi posted a short essay on constitutive principles and principle theories and Curt Jaimungal posted an even shorter one on deterministic theories. See Sabine Hossenfelder - Donner und Blitz.

See Parity and CPT Symmetry for some examples. 

See Toby's short video about Martin Gardner's Mathematical Games article on mirror symmetry: Mathematical Games - Left or Right? Notice that physicists never measure the spin of a free electron. The only way I know of to measure spin is to use a Stern-Gerlach apparatus to measure the magnetic moment indirectly by measuring the torsion on a whole atom or ion as it passes through an inhomogeneous magnetic field.

This reminds of something I once wrote about parts and wholes. 

I did actually try this out on someone and he said "How did you do that?!" So it worked at least once! 

That book all goes to hell around page 33, when I started thinking about religion and religious sects.

See Toby on Martin Gardner's Mathematical Games Column and His Books

The mathematician Frank Bernhart had an extensive correspondence with Gardner about hexaflexagons and other things. Gardner thought he would be the best person to write the theory of flexagons, but he died in 2016. He did however publish his correspondence with Gardner and you can read it here. In the same Afterword of 1988 Gardner mentions that Irwin Schrodinger was interested in Hempel’s paradox of confirmation theory.

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