Lissie - Nothing Compares to You, by Prince, and Change, by Lana Del Rey

This song was first recorded by Prince in 1984 or thereabouts, but the recording was not released until 2018, after his death. Sinnead O'Connor had a hit with it in 1990 and there is an amusing story about her relationship with Prince.


See Lana Del Rey Talking About Born To Die:

David Quintieri on The Broken Economy and How To Really Fix It and Lissie - Where Have All The Cowboy's Gone, by Paula Cole:

Apparently, Nothing Compares to You was released on the only album published by Prince's project The Family, in 1985. See Janet Devlin.

See David Lynch on Dream Logic and Linda Faludi on David Lynch on Women. ... and there's much more:

See The Foundation (Parts I, II and III), written six years ago now. So this was all planned, but we have seem to have a pretty serious communications problem in some quarters. See Why Is Telecommunications Security Important? which I wrote over five years ago, and David Lynch's Weather Report from last week. Now I understand Lana Del Rey's Thanksgiving Message a bit better:

See this:

I started the war on September 20, 2011:


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