
Showing posts from May, 2024

Sci-Comedy - 43,000 Feet

Subscribe to Dust . Subscribe to DW News .

Terence McKenna on Politics and Money

When the crunch comes, ... Subscribe to We Plants are Happy Plants .

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Frogs

Subscribe to Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds . See  and . I caught a whiff of gasoline while watching that. See the introduction Simon Chapman wrote in his book  The Monster of the Madidi: Searching for the Giant Ape of the Bolivian Jungle .


I'm referring to the Arte Concert film I saw on the boat coming from France last month. After singing  Galeon Ship he walks out of the vast empty hall and into the light streaming through the door. I'm Your Man Subscribe to Leonard Cohen . See  The Red Hand Files ISSUE #285 . I thought God was human reason. See  Sylvie and Bruno - A Handbook for Global Revolution . I see lots of people reasoning all around me, but very few seem to be engaging in human reason, which happens when we join up all the good ideas so we can live a civilized life: See . Subscribe to Savory Institute .

Mitch Resnick on Scratch and Philip Wadler on Theory

I know why they called it Scratch : The usual questions were answered satisfactorily: but this time Hugh added one of his own invention—"Does the cat scratch?" The landlady looked round suspiciously, as if to make sure the cat was not listening, "I will not deceive you, gentlemen," she said. "It do scratch, but not without you pulls its whiskers! It'll never do it," she repeated slowly, with a visible effort to recall the exact words of some written agreement between herself and the cat, "without you pulls its whiskers!" "Much may be excused in a cat so treated," said Balbus, as they left the house and crossed to Number Seventy-three, leaving the landlady curtseying on the doorstep, and still murmuring to herself her parting words, as if they were a form of blessing, "—— not without you pulls its whiskers!" From  The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Tangled Tale , by Lewis Carroll . Subscribe to TED . Subscribe to Talks at Goo

David Thrane Christiansen on PLT Redex (Functional Copenhagers Meetup)

Apparently I watched a few minutes of this once, but YouTube can't tell me when or where I was. Maybe I stopped when I realised that they weren't going to tie the knot and do PLT redex in PLT redex. Subscribe to Functional Copenhagers Meetup . We're trying to solve this problem: elder orphans: Subscribe to elder gal. See Snow on The Beach : Subscribe to Taylor Swift .

PJ Harvey - Arte Concert: Olympia, Paris (December 2023)

See  PJ Harvey Interview . Subscribe to ARTE Concert .

Natasha and her Decoy Pigeon on Politics and Art in Russia

Actually, most of it is not in Russia anymore, ... Subscribe to  Aigel . Subscribe to Natasha's Adventures . Alena goes glamping near Tblisi: Subscribe to Depressed Russian .

Hannah Lee Duggan - Cutting A Hole in Her House

She puts this thing in sideways, but it actually works out OK! She's hosting a trip to South Africa in January 2025:  South Africa with Hannah Lee Duggan . Subscribe to Hannah Lee Duggan .

Anton Petrov on Finding Community

Subscribe to Anton Petrov .

PJ Harvey Interview

Beautifully shot! From 2003/4 I guess:  Subscribe to Silverwolf . See  PJ Harvey Interview on Radio 4 May 14, 2023  and this: Subscribe to PJ Harvey Now see PJ Harvey and Ben Power - London Tide .



Truthstream Media - How Much of this Super Tech Future is Real?

Melissa talks about Amazon's AI for shopping and Apple's Vision Pro. See  Tilt Five - Jeri Congratulates Tim Cook on the Launch of Apple's ... AR . Subscribe to Truthstream Media .

Getting Into The Art Scene By Talking About It

See  Charan Ranganath Talks to Lex Fridman About Memory .

Charan Ranganath Talks to Lex Fridman About Memory

Episodic memory is what holds the theatre of life together. See  gdiddlydog - Girlfriend after causing an argument in public . George Miller calls it symphonic:  George Miller on Syntax and Semantics . That's when you have too many girlfriends, I think. See  Stephanie Montes - Mnemosyne . Load some fragments from the disk of  Lex Fridman  interviews.

gdiddlydog - Girlfriend after causing an argument in public

She's amazing! How can one person know so much about people? Subscribe to gdiddlydog .

Sabine Hossenfelder on Didier Raoult and Hydroxychloroquine

Someone in the comments said "Now do Ivermectin ". I think they meant "Now do a video on Ivermectin". That might not be good for her YouTube channel. Upsets the worms, you know: Ivermectin and its related drugs act by interfering with the nerve and muscle functions of helminths and insects. The drug binds to glutamate-gated chloride channels common to invertebrate nerve and muscle cells. The binding pushes the channels open, which increases the flow of chloride ions and hyper-polarizes the cell membranes, paralyzing and killing the invertebrate. Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder .

Lee Camp on The Attempted Coup d'Etat in DRC

There's a tendency in some parts of the alt media to think that because the US and or UK governments interfere in some country somewhere that that country's government is sound. That's not necessarily the case. Very few governments are sound. What is amazing is how poor a state a country can get into and still have its natural resources exploited by foreign interests. Think about Libya which is still making huge profits for the oil companies that are able to work there (with the help of Private Military Contractors providing "security") Subscribe to Dangerous Ideas With Lee Camp .

St Andrews University - Postgraduate online information events

These sessions are all on at the same time so you are supposed to decide beforehand what you want to know. See  Louis Rossmann on Making Great Software . See  Matt Godbolt and Ben Rady Talking About Data Compression January 14, 2024 . Who wants snow on the fuckin' beach anyway?

George Miller on Syntax and Semantics

Subscribe to Vanity Fair . Maggie loved it: Subscribe to Deepfocuslens .

Darz Rojas' Vlog

Her videography training is really showing itself here: Subscribe to Darz Rojas .

Rivers Polluted by Metals When Permafrost Melts

This happened to the Rio Mapiri in Bolivia, but people assumed it was because of mining operations. They may have been right, but where's the data, Evo? Subscribe to New Scientist .


I miss you! ❤️

Lana Del Rey - Thunder

See  Lana Del Rey on Kingsland Road and the Idea of Bringing her Horse on Stage at Reading . Subscribe to Lana Del Rey .

Lana Del Rey on Kingsland Road and the Idea of Bringing her Horse on Stage at Reading

Subscribe to NME .

Julie Nolke on The Whole Riggahmarole

Oh dear, ... Marshmallow, anyone? Subscribe to Julie Nolke .

Louis Rossmann on Making Great Software

For people like Louis' grandmother and I: Docker is an implausibly complex solution to some sort of problem created when people started using virtualization in the real-world. See . Eron Woolf et al on Everything Apps (not The Everything App, which is Everything! See Catching Up on the Software Noosphere  and  I'm Still Looking for A Job ). See . Casey Muratori on Digital Due Process At this point you need to talk to theologians, I think. See  Essences and Accidents  or "How to cover a ball of arbitrary shape with strips of equal width and make sure they are all connected". Subscribe to Futo . This is the easy way to get on top of the problem: What is the problem we're trying to solve? Sharing photos and videos, I guess. What is the resource that we are trying to control access to? Connectivity, I guess. Why do we need to do this? Because some people take photos and videos we don

Catching Up on the Software Noosphere

Soft hardware: Subscribe to Hard software: Subscribe to Linux Foundation . See  The Mind-Body Problem .

Tones And I - Wonderful

First, how she found a manager, ... Subscribe to Brut America . Wonderful Subscribe to Tones And I .

Eleanor Morton Wrote A Book!

See  Life Lessons From Historical Women by Eleanor Morton : Subscribe to Eleanor Morton .

Sabine Hossenfelder - The Physics of Portals (Made With Love)

Dressed up like Tina Turner, ... Around the bit where she talks about combining the gravitational potentials of the upper and lower portals it suddenly seemed interesting, for some reason. Oops. Wrong video, ... See  Trailer - La chimera (Alice Rohrwacher) Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder .

The Secret Ghost Town Near NYC

Subscribe to BBC Global .

Norman Wildberger - Let's Crack the Riemann Hypothesis

Following on from  Norman Wildberger - Solution of the Twin Primes Conjecture  and  Norman Wildberger's Five Fingered Gauntlet For Pure Mathematicians . Subscribe to Insights into the Sociology of Mathematics and Science .

Lee Camp - Laughing All The Way to The Shitstorm!

See Lee's book   Bullet Points And Punch Lines: The Most Important Commentary Ever Written on the Epic American Tragicomedy . published in March 2020. On my upcoming Zoom comedy show I'll be telling the story of when Roger Waters, Cornel West, and I bought a pizza from a friendly prostitute. ...I'm not kidding, but it's also not what you think. That's just one of the many topics I'll be hitting on this brand new comedy hour coming up Saturday (and the following Wednesday). Some of it will be story telling but of lot of it will be just straight-up full frontal comedy that I promise will leave you laughing. You can get it all for $5. Plus, if you don't like the show, I'll refund your $5. I thought this was in the past, but it's actually in the future! It's on Sat, May 25th and Wednesday, May 29th. See  Lee Camp on The Presidential Race . For your $5 ticket, go to  Laughing All The Way to The Shitstorm!  And if you can't get $5 together, send a

Aurora and Brian Eno on the Economics of Music

Γαῖα. See  and  Aurora - A Soul With No King (Remix feat. NATURE) . Subscribe to Museum for the UN .

Essences and Accidents

Here's the man himself talking about a later work in the series, this one called "Ridge and Furrow": Subscribe to uimedia . See Ian Grant's Weather Report May 30, 2022 .  See also Michael Craig-Martin "I'm Interested in Language" . See also An Oak Tree   which I wrote in 2002. Nick Cave interview: Phillipe Van Cauteren in Conversation With Nick Cave .

Trailer - La chimera (Alice Rohrwacher)

This is a beautiful, brilliant film. Subscribe to  01 distribution .

Phillipe Van Cauteren in Conversation With Nick Cave

Subscribe to Xavier Hufkens .

Next Level Programmable PC Hardware

Using a Raspberry Pi Pico, ... See  and Subscribe to Adrian's Digital Basement .

Demonstrations Around The World Today For Julian Assange

See  Craig Murray at Julian Assange's Hearing . Subscribe to Stella Assange .

Lee Camp on The Presidential Race

He's doing a live Zoom comedy show on Wednesday at 1 PM Eastern Standard Time (6 PM British Summer Time) Subscribe to Lee Camp . See also the Alzheimer's Society Checklist for dementia symptoms . Today I talked to an employee of  Real Fundraising  wearing a bright orange jacket sporting the Alzheimer's Society logo. They were asking for help researching Alzheimer's. I checked, and the help they need is money, of course, otherwise he wouldn't be standing on the corner of Market Hill in Cambridge, would he? See  Ethnobotanical Toxicology . I get it, really, I do. I totally get the whole money thing. I mean, money is how we decide what's worth doing and what isn't. Money is how we decide who gets to live where too. And it turns out to also be how we decide who gets to marry who, and who gets to have children with who and where they go for their education and what sort of education they get when they're there and all sorts of other things. I suppose I just

Craig Murray at Julian Assange's Hearing

I just caught the end of his speech, and it was very good. He summed on a positive note, saying that he believes that agreeing to the US extradition request without the explicitly requested assurance that Julian Assange would have the same first-amendment rights as a US citizen would be a travesty that no court could support and so they will have to turn it down and free him. [Update: the decision was to allow leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. Why on earth they can't allow him more humane treatment in the mean-time is beyond me. They are planning a further demonstration at Picadilly Circus between 4 and 6pm this evening.] Subscribe to Stella Assange .

Julian Assange Extradition Hearing in 33 Hours

See also  David McBride Sentenced to Five Years in Prison . The hearing is scheduled for Monday morning, watch Stella Assange's live stream here: Start With the Truth discussion  Subscribe to Stella Assange .

David McBride Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

... for leaking evidence of war crimes committed by Australian armed forces in Afghanistan 2007-2013 to journalists. It's not just journalists and whistleblowers who are the victims of this injustice, it's all the other people who are victims of crimes against humanity and who have no recourse to the law because the evidence that these crimes are being committed never comes to light, and is never heard in any court of law. Subscribe to David McBride . Subscribe to Al Jazeera English . Subscribe to Guardian Australia .

Navajo Advice for Future Generations

Also a lot about plants, and their relation to the landscape and particularly those traditionally found on Black Mesa. See  What is Water Worth On the Free Market?  and  MBARI - Glass Squid and Deep Sea Mining Subscribe to Spagoshi .

Ethnobotanical Toxicology

L-Serine is classed as a non-essential  proteinogenic amino acid , because under "normal physiological conditions" the body can synthesise it from other metabolites, including glycine. But in some circumstances this synthesis is insufficient [see L-Serine: a Naturally-Occurring Amino Acid with Therapeutic Potential ]. β-Methylamino-L-alanine ( BMAA ), a non-proteinogenic amino acid, is a neurotoxin produced by cyanobacteria and has been implicated in some neuro-degenerative diseases: See Brain Chemistry Labs . Subscribe to CNN . I saw this in the Cambridge newspaper this morning: See Over 20,000 people join search for new dementia treatments .  To me this study just sounded like an attempt to reduce medicine to an exercise in actuarial statistics and genome sequencing, but if they can connect their analysis with studies like this one of Paul Cox's then it could become something much more interesting. See also  The Mind-Body Problem  and  The Cosmic Serpent .

Julie Nolke - I'm Moving to America

It's an elaborate Nord VPN ad, see: Subscribe to Julie Nolke .

The Mind-Body Problem

It may have been solved in philosophy, but it's certainly not solved in General Medical Practice: 4:50 "It seems that anyone can be vulnerable to changes in the software that defines how our nervous systems work". Maybe that's how computer software should work? See  which will try to get you to install an app. Subscribe to The Open University .

Steve Reich - Pendulum Music & Electric Counterpoint

Pendulum Music (1968) Subscribe to Phillipe Langlois . Electric Counterpoint Parts I, II and III. Subscribe to Eranthos Beretta . Found this whilst reading the footnotes in  The Cosmic Serpent  (Chapter 5, footnote 1). The Young Gods - Our House Subscribe to The Young Gods (Topic) .

MBARI - Glass Squid and Deep Sea Mining

The problem is that the ocean water isn't worth anything to the animals living in it, because they don't have any money to pay for it. Maybe the answer is to give them all Universal Credit or something so that they can get jobs and save up to buy their own water from the mining companies. See  What is Water Worth On the Free Market? From the video description: Glass squids (family Cranchiidae) live in the boundless waters of the twilight, or mesopelagic, zone. With no protective shell and nowhere to shelter, they need to get creative. Transparency is one way to thrive in a home with few places to hide. Like other cephalopods, glass squids are covered in tiny pigment sacs called chromatophores. They often keep their chromatophores closed so their skin is basically see through. This invisibility cloak hides them from both predators and prey. When the glass squid’s cover is blown, they expand their chromatophores to darken their appearance. Some may fill their body cavity with ink

Nice Video About the Aurora Borealis

Subscribe to BBC Global .

Film - Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry

On at the Picturehouse cinema in Cambridge this week. See this BFI review:

The 77th Cannes Film Festival

Subscribe to Cannes Film Festival .

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Making of Wild God

I'm really missing out on everything here, ... See  Miraval Studios : See also  Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds  (videogames). Subscribe to Nick Cave & The Men in Great Suits . See Julie Nolke - I ubered Plan B : Subscribe to Solcher Derbeer .

Edith and Her Family Celebrating Mother's Day in Mexico

13:20 Las mamás appear by magic when the cheese is cooked, ... Subscribe to Las Curiosidades de Mamá . Subscribe to Al Jazeera English .

Jean-Michel Jarre - STARMUS Opening Concert in Bratislava

See See also  Most SNP  to learn a bit about the bridge. Subscribe to Jean Michel Jarre .

Sovereignty and Telecommunications

Trying to determine my citizenship. I find this at the South African Consulate in White Hall. The door is closed, and the notices say visits are strictly by appointment: At the web site : This company VFS global charges an additional £35 to handle the application and their on-line application process simply failed to work at all when I tried to use it. Their helpline is a premium rate number. They are no strangers to criticism and it seems they have developed a taste for it!

Julie Nolke - I ubered Plan B

This is more a little bit gross! 🀢 😃 Subscribe to Julie Nolke .


See  and . Neither of these links work at the moment, (12 May 2024). (This seems to be a problem with Wintercomfort's internet service, it works from Vodafone).

Reprise de Ferme

On a les clefs! (Bon, c’est pas comme si on en avait eu besoin jusque là… ;-) Mais on a les clefs de l’appartement! On a signé un contrat! Si tout se passe bien, on peut rester jusqu’à novembre 2025, voire plus ! On sort de presque 1mois et demi de négociations, et c’est fort réjouissant de pouvoir enfin s’ancrer à Boudry! Qui l’eut crû?! 🔝🔝🔝 On souhaite remercier chaleureusement toutes les personnes qui soutiennent le projet depuis le début , en parlent, ont signé la tribune, sont venues nous rencontrer, puis sont revenues! Merci pour les petits et grands coup de main, le projet existe bel et bien et va prendre son envol!  📍Chemin du Bois des Creux 32 ( Prenez note que désormais, on a nos quartiers dans l’appartement au nord, avec vue sur la grande maison vide. 🎯) See  Les Hirondelles .

Peter Randall-Page - Between the Lines

It's a Finnish Glacial Granite Boulder! See  and  Maze Maths . See also  Essences and Accidents . Here's an interesting question: Does anyone know how long the strip is? See  Louis Rossmann on Making Great Software .

The Cosmic Serpent

See  The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby . See also  Economic and Technological Development of La Madre Tierra  which I posted in June 2015. There is a great bit on the last paragraph on page 75, about Crick's observation that "The great majority of [DNA] sequences can never be synthesized at all, at any time. These calculations take account only of the amino acid sequence. They do not allow for the fact that many sequences would probably not fold up satisfactorily into a stable compact shape. What fraction of all possible sequences would do this is not known, though it is surmised to be fairly small". See also  Lori on Extraterrestrial Life , dated August 2019. On the seeing of somebody from Peru: Listen to Richard Feynman in 1983:  39:33  up to 42:22 he explicitly says "the seeing of somebody from Peru". Subscribe to Christopher Sykes . On plants and apetition in the works of Aristotle see  Sense Perception v. Sense .

J. K. Rowling on Writing - Part 2

See  J. K. Rowling on Writing - Part One . Subscribe to Rowling Library .

Lana Del Rey's Met Gala Dress

Good heavens! How did she make it up the stairs? On horseback? See this post on Lana Del Rey Updates .

Myra West - Today was A bad Mental Health Day

The only thing wrong with that video is the title! Subscribe to  Myra West . Inspired by Japanese archery (Kyudo) and Noh theatre, the film Mushin is a collaboration between the designer and film-maker Graham Wood and Brendan Perry of Dead Can Dance. The term Mushin is a Zen expression meaning “the mind without mind” and is also referred to as the state of “no-mindedness”. Mushin is achieved when a person's mind is free from thoughts of anger, fear, or ego during combat or everyday life. That is, a mind not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion and thus open to everything.To give oneself completely to the shooting is the spiritual goal, achieved by perfection of both the spirit and shooting technique leading to munen musō, "no thoughts, no illusions". Subscribe to Dead can Dance .

Sci-fi Sort - Backpace Forever

This is really excellent! See . Subscribe to Dust .