7 minutes left ...

My one hour of Internet is almost up. I have not written any e-mails to anybody, befcause there seems to be no point. I never get replies, except ones I really don't want to hear at all, ... from my Daughter and mother who are both totally dependent on others and threrefore the easiest pople to control. I don't know who is controlling them, but I suspect they don't know either, nor do those who are controlling them. This is Anarchy, and it is deeply horrible!

I will say what I think I need. I need a means to communicate, such as a personal smartphone. I have secure accommodation now, so I can take much better care of it. I need enough to pay the charges for Internet access. More than just a few hours every few days. I need time to see the stuff people are putting out, a lot of which is very good, but which I don't have time to see. I need enough to buy shoes and some clothes, and to pay for basic medical and dental needs. I hope somebody can help me, soon. That's all I have time for. I was going to write some of the things I'd like to do such as making musical instruments from driftwood, and perhaps painting and writing. I would also like to have the werewithal to take photographs.


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