Professional Shit Posting

Just to ruin a perfect day, ... See my comments on this video, ...

... in particular this one:

2:24 There was a strike in the Dark Ages, and that wasn't covered either.

So the UK Parliament's All Party Group on Anti-semitism will be interested in the final problemata of Aristotle's which is a text I could only get from a highly derivative English source, I forget where. The problem concerns "The Jew" and piles, of something or other, ... see section 33 of The Works of Aristotle (pages 1767 --- 1774) Ask my daughter's mother to help with this. She once wrote a whole book on shit, for children, appropriately enough, so even the UK Parliament's All Party Group on Anti-semitism should be able to grasp it. I don't know if her high expectations of sales were ever realised or not. I suspect not, otherwise she would be sitting on piles of cash by now, which she apparently is not. So whether she even managed to get it out, ... maybe she could have published it under the nom de plume Jeanette Withaspoon, ... Speaking of which, an author rejoicing in a very similar-sounding name once wrote a book claiming, at one point, that "Shakespeare didn't do forgiveness" or something to that effect, ... so my mother told me back in June 2016, on my 50th Birthday! Well, I thought she must've been referring to King Lear and that I had better try and watch the whole thing at least once without falling asleep, to find out, .... but it occurs to me now that she may have been referring to Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. Read the foreword to Lewis Carroll's Sylvie and Bruno Volume II for a summary of the problem. Now you begin to understand what motivates me to write crap like this. See PJ Harvey - Angeline. I do not want a recurrence of that problem, thank you very much.

So, normal service will now be resumed for today, ...

Seems I have a problem with water pollution too: Lee Camp - How They Shit in Your Head. Sewage is a problem for fish, because the growth of microorganisms causes the oxygen to become depleted: 

Please understand, everybody, that I do not want to be forced to spend my time writing garbage like this because some puerile UK parliamentarians "think" they're making a funny joke. It's not funny, and it's not a joke. It's a crime. You are using psychological torture to kill the only intelligent people left on the face of the earth, and your aim is genocide!

See David Foster Wallace's speech:


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