Santo & Johnny's Weather Report

 From Saturday Night Beech-Nut Show August 1, 1959.

That song was written in Brooklyn, at 2am, ....

How Was Your Day, Honey?

Every day is like this. I get stressed becuse in half an hour this is all I can do: post a few other people's videos, I don't even have time to watch them myself. Today God sent a crazy Lady from Bogotá who worked miracles and got me a proper meal, ... the first in a week or so, ... and enough money to do this and maybe even write an e-mail to my daughter asking her controllers to let me have a couple of weeks without stress, enough to eat, and with the means to communicate, so that we can talk about exactly what it is that they think they are asking me back to when they tell me I must return to Britain. I haven't written this e-mail yet, but I'm thinking about what to write.


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