Some Ideas from Recent Dreams I've Had

Some background, see the references on David Lynch on Dream Logic:

This is hard to write, because I feel exhausted just thinking about it all.

The first dream was the one about Lana Del Rey that I posted on her channel somewhere. Then there were three more.

The first one was early in the evening, about 10pm or so, and had a kind of geometrical connection with where I was sleeping in the street. In the dream these events occurred on a bus, and I was in the front pair of seats by the entrance which was on the right-hand side of the bus. There was a woman sitting on my left, and we had some sort of non-verbal communication because I was aware she was aware of me. To my right there was a guy who was molesting me in some way, I can't remember, but it was fairly violent. Then I may have passed out or fallen asleep in the dream, because I had a sense of coming 'round and the guy who had been molesting me was slumped unconscious in front of me, on the bus. I felt for his pulse and he seemed dead. The bus stopped and some armed men got on board. They may have been policemen. I thought "they did this and they're going to try to get me blamed for killing this guy." At that moment one of them fired a few shots from his pistol into the dead body. The gun was silenced in some way, making a thick plastic-sounding clack, but otherwise it looked like a heavy green plastic version of the 9mm pistols the police here in Colombia carry. Then the men stepped of the bus and I stood up to confront them, and the guy who had shot before pointed his pistol towards me and fired a shot, but to my side, in the direction of the woman. I didn't turn around to see if she'd been hit, I just pointed an imaginary pistol at my own head, and pulled the trigger and the doors closed. I had this dream before I wrote this: Taylor Hudak on Julian Assange.

A few nights later, I was sleeping in a different place, because it was raining. This was in the early hours of the morning, around four AM, I guess. I was briefly awoken, I think, by someone pulling at the sack of stuff I use as a pillow. But I think I went straight back to sleep again, because I dreamed that I was a woman, and I had some sort of headdress, and someone had pulled at it. And then they had taken a baby girl I was holding. I don't think it was my baby. There was another woman with me, and she and I followed the person who had taken the baby to some sort of market, and she said to me, "This baby is going to be sold to a man" and although she didn't say it, I knew it was because the baby was going to be raised as a witch. And I said "why?" And the other woman said sort of shrugged and said "Because that's the only way".

The third was last night, and I dreamed about Karen Leslie Park, my first girlfriend, who went to Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. She later married and became Karen Wilson. I tried to keep in touch with Karen while I was in Bolivia, but it was very difficult. She knows something about what was going around me when I was in the UK. Someone should talk to her, if she's still alive, but she may not be.

For more on the connection between Music and people, see Linda Faludi on David Lynch and Music and for some ideas I have had about about why this might be so, and why women are a crucial part of the connection, see On Finding Your People.

See David Lynch Foundation Meditate America Event and John Lee Hooker's Weather Report.


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