The Phetasy: Narrative Divergence

Lori and I did it better! See Terence McKenna - Alien Spores.

Maybe I had better explain that. The poem David Lynch reads made me think of some creatures I actually saw once around November 2012. I wrote a description of them in an e-mail I sent to Laura Pausini. I no longer have access to my e-mails. There may be a scientific way to explain these creatures and they may have actually been real, not just hallucinations. The ideas of Terrence McKenna about the physical chemistry of psilocybin spores made me think immediately of these, and I can't remember how I found the poem of David Lynch. I guess that just came in my YouTube recommendations. If anybody thinks this collective art is fun and beautiful, then great. For me it is squalid, stupid and dirty and it makes want to stab myself in the throat. See Elizabeth.


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