Live Science - Leonardo da Vinci's Ancestry

... and his posterity too? See On Communication in Linear Time And Hypertext And The Gospel of Sophia.

So it looks like El Cielo of the cistine [sic!😂] chapel is not the limit anymore. 

I think I just met one of his descendents. A guy called Versailles Toledo who is from Chiapas. That might explain the murals I mention in my recent untitled post, just before the post mentioning this video.

I also just took this photo of Rafael Gonzales, born here in Tecate, B.C., who told me about a spring near here called Agua Fría, half way from Tecate to Loma Tova, where, a few decades ago, people used to go to have barbecues and stuff, but now he thinks it may be private land.

If someone reading this has a Facebook account, please write a link to this post onto his FB page. To see why I took the photo, look at his T-shirt and the horse-shoes and ponder this:

Subscribe to BeatrizER and her video(s?) about mathematical logic, ... Sounds like Edith (II) Rix has been online all the time, ... and that she was right about a war coming, ... An Aristotelian sea battle, if I'm not mistaken.

Subscribe to Live Science.

I'm feeling a bit shakey right now. Play nicely, peeps. This is art. You don't need to go burning cities down because of it. See La Escuela Del DesencantoLess Than Ten Members of the UK Armed Forces in ColombiaRT America On Israeli Involvement in Colombia and Military On The Streets in Santiago de Cali, Colombia. Especially you, George W. Bush. See Lana Del Rey - If You Lie Down With Me.

Nina Simone - Pirate Jenny (1964)

Subscribe to Joey Gavin Music.

Note well what happened when I started talking about shifts in communications patterns, George. What happened was that all of Nature become involved in The Conversation, not just some elite assholes! See 'Er Maj. Puts George Gallow[s w]ay in Mind of Vera Lynn. And now put that in the NSA's Starlink program and see how far you get!

Subscribe to The New York Times.

That personal transformation you see in my videos is called The Lana Del Rey Effect. See Lana Del Rey - If You Lie Down With Me:

Subscribe to Kyle Woolridge Grant.

What happened here, is that Gaia, or The Great Spirit, or The Pachamama, whatever She is called in that place you're at, created a representation of something. Namely Herself. So now you understand how real political power can be gained by all of Nature herself creating representations of status functions. See Out Of The Silver Screen Into The Silver Nitrate and then Message For Donald Trump and Lana Del Rey - If You Lie Down With Me.


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