David Lynch´s Weather Report Project


See David Lynch's January 26 Weather Report.

The Shangri-Las Remember Walking in the Sand (1964)

Subscribe to David Lynch Theater on YouTube.

Lana Del Rey´s deleted IG post:

Linda Faludi´s record of the day Elvis Presley - Trying to Get to You (1968)

YouTube´s recommendation:

That´s my hour of Internet, ...

Read Lewis Carroll´s Sylvie and Bruno.

From the introduction:

And thus it came to pass that I found myself at last in possession of a huge unwieldy mass of litterature—if the reader will kindly excuse the spelling—which only needed stringing together, upon the thread of a consecutive story, to constitute the book I hoped to write. Only! The task, at first, seemed absolutely hopeless, and gave me a far clearer idea, than I ever had before, of the meaning of the word ‘chaos’: and I think it must have been ten years, or more, before I had succeeded in classifying these odds-and-ends sufficiently to see what sort of a story they indicated: for the story had to grow out of the incidents, not the incidents out of the story.


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