Aurora in The Court of The Crimson Robot

I made this series of vague associations whilst I was in San José, Costa Rica, not having a very good time. I didn't present it very coherently though. That was because they were just vague associations, ... it was all feel-thinking, as David Lynch calls it.

I first saw this really excellent Sci-Fi short on Dust. I couldn't help thinking of David Gilmour whatever the robot did, ...

Then the title obviously connected with King Crimson, ....

And then the vagueness and my own feelings seemed perfectly reflected in this acoustic version of her song Runaway that Aurora had just posted.

So there you have a piece of dark occult Aurora fan art. See Gigi Young - The dark Occult Influence in The World and Art Is Not Content.

I'm now checking YouTube for reports of David Gilmour being taken from his home in a straight-jacket late at night, by a group of very frightened psychiatric nurses...


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