Brian Eno - Prophesy Theme

I was just listening to this, ... (scenes of Dune filmed here in Mexico), ...

... smoking a cigarette in the street outside the cafe, when I met a sweet old lady who begs in the street too. I gave her twenty pesos and she gave me a pack of these "notas didacticas". I said "No gracias, no sirve!" but she insisted, ... and then I thought, "She's right. They do work".

So I signed some of them, whilst listening to Brian Eno, who has a positive effect on my handwriting, I think! And I'll sell them at face value to anyone in Tapachula who would like to own one. They're not going to be a limited series, but I can't imagine I'll need to sell that many to get to California, ...

See Campbell's Boiled Red Tomatoes Inflation Index for details of how the scam, er, .. scheme, "works".
And I am now feeling very sad for David Lynch that that film was such a disaster. Hopefully someone will have an interest in publishing his five-hour cut. It is one hell of a good film. See Anabasis and Analethia - A Mercenary Story.


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