David Lynch's Weather Report Project

Apologies for the brief hiatus in David Lynch's Weather Report Project Report Project. I got my wires crossed, you, see, and I thought it was Wednesday! Wednesday is the day the University of Cambridge Compuer Laboratory has a weekly staff meeting. It is also the name of an e-mail list with an inordinate amount of rubbish posted on it by members of staff, and a lot of innuendo indiciative of some very dubious tastes!!

The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever

"Digital piano interpretations, arising from what I define as a "joint" between three of my greatest passions, which are perhaps more than passions because they blend with my existence: Philosophy-Cinema-Music. ⬇️ The continuous.

The path is as follows: 1) The study of philosophy at my Faculty of Philosophy led me (even if I have officially finished it continues ..."

" ... it continues to do so because I will always carry it back until my departure) to see a certain type of 2) Cinema/films, which in turn led me and leads me to discover a certain type of 3) music / soundtracks, which I then fall in love with and which I often 4) learn, thanks to a couple of private years of piano study. These videos, which I have been making for 5-6 months, are the result of this joint. They just seem like simple performances / covers but I believe that, or I like to think, that in these interpretations everything I just said comes together. I don't know if you feel this too, but I trust so.

I play mainly Lynchian-Badalamentian pieces because Twin Peaks and the world created by these two geniuses are one of my obsessions, but I play also of something else. LIKE or SUBSCRIBE!! (if you want of course).

In any event this is my interpetation of this indescribable piece, in which I recognize myself (along with a few other pieces) almost totally if I think about the last years of my life if not all my short long life so far, composed by the divine (or the Supreme as I call often him) Johann Sebastian Bach and arranged by Kristian Streenstrup e Carl Ulrik Munk-Andersen. This is the cover of the version arranged for that masterpiece which is Lars von Trier's Breaking the Waves (1996)."

Talk to Dan Tidhar about our Digital Harpsichord project which I never found the time or resources to pursue, ...

I am still very interested in doing that, but I need to learn a lot more about point-spread functions and whatnot ... See What is The Cloud? and What is Socialist Economic Development?

You see, my newest box of matches put a T-shirt on her boyfriend that said, on the back, "Live in your world, sing in ours." And I thought "Hell, yeah! But ..." ... I am in my world. Where is everybody else?


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