Russell Brand on Sun Valley

Thank God for covert surveillance and bugging devices, is all I can say!

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From 10th November 2014:

See my comment:

I was told In 2013 that some US Embassy staff used iPhones with dual screens. I found that an intriguing idea. If you put two mirrors at 45° angles on either side, for example, you can produce a stereoscopic display. This has applications in anti-tempest protection. Tempest is a technique for remotely viewing displays and other i/o peripherals like keyboards using their electromagnetic emissions. Deconvolving the combined emissions of two high-resolution displays showing a highly dynamic image is going to be very, very difficult indeed. Certainly much harder than just deconvolving the emissions from a display connector on a laptop using some sort of fixed rasterization like SVGA.

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See Anti-Tempest Software and Pulp Fiction and US And Russian Navy Tests at Sea. See also the StarScope monocular debunking video on Thomas Flight on David Lynch and 'Eraserhead'. I suspect it leverages the image stabilization software in the phone to do this, as well as a sort of "Hubble vision" type system which the DSP hardware in the phones supports very well. See this NASA piece: Hubble's Mirror Flaw.

Welcome to the Metacinema everybody! What is the Sixth Estate?

See Linda Faludi's recent esoteric post about the Ant Farm Collective on her channel's Community section. It reminds of a T-shirt slogan: "She writes in chaotic media. Imagine how she reads gentlemen!" That was before I learned to swear and cus properly. I saw this t-shirt on a beautiful woman in Costa Rica a month or so ago: it said just "Pura Fucking Vida". See Lana Del Rey - The Next Best American Record.


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