Sabine Hossenfelder - Are We Made Of Math?

This is a very accessible and beautifully-written essay on the origins of pure mathematics in applied sciences. How Applied Mathematics Became Pure, by Penelope Maddy (UC Irvine).

Subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelder.

Jade on reality and sense-perception:

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C.S. Peirce's notion of the real.

That University that teaches sophomore philosophy students botanic classification in the field sounds like it is in California somewhere. [Update I think it's St. John's College in Maryland and New Mexico!]

This story Peirce gives as an example could be a story of a blind Homer recounting the Iliad and Odyssey to oral story-tellers, ... See Eva zu Beck In Her Own Odyssey.

Subscribe to Philosophy Overdose. Why did YouTube delete this person's channel. That was an act of intellectual vandalism for which they should feel deeply, deeply ashamed!

John Searle on What Exists:

Subscribe to Closer to Truth, but your mileage may vary, ...

John Searle on Social Ontology. How do we give an account of ourselves, [as human beings,] that is consistent with what we know about how the world is anyway? The introduction is very good, but if you want to skip it, start at 7:13:

At 26:41 you see the problem we are facing in the world today, which is that certain people are trying to deny the reality of collective intentionality and at the same time they want to control the economy.

On those strange documents (20:31) that cause people to give you amazing physical things, like Coca-Cola and scrap metal, for example, see David Lynch Cooking Quinoa (in a saucepan with a copper base):

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