
I just had a really great chat with Amanda, passing through Tapachula on her way to Guatemala. It's great how I get to meet really interesting people on Thursdays here! See Ian Grant's Real Weather Report and Zachary Denman - Human Self.

She mentioned hearing John Cleese talking about how negativity kills the creative process. I found this great interview with Iain McGilchrist. I have micro-agressing John Cleese ever since I heard his name! On Mexicans: 12:52:

Here's part II:

See John Cleese on Why He's Leaving Britain for The Carribean.

We also talked about Sylvia Plath and T.S. Eliot. T.S. Eliot died in 1965, two years after Sylvia Plath. I thought The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock was written in 1963 or thereabouts, much later than it actually was (early 20s). See Room 2 (Patent Leather Do-Over) by Lana Del Rey and The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock by T S Eliot. See also Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - Balcony Man.

Lana Del Rey - Arcadia

Kill Bill Vol. 2:

See Lana Del Rey - Arcadia (Official Video).

Subscribe to Movieclips.

Lana Del Rey - Million Dollar Man (Carcassonne, France July 17, 2014)

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  1. Thanks, that's a great interview with John Cleese. So much more that could've been said but still pretty revealing and I love how ready he is to say out loud what most don't even want to hear!


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