Director David Lynch Is Trending And Under Attack, But Not For Dune

See this Giant Freakin' Robot piece.

Apparently NFT'sare anti-art. There must be something I don't know about art then, ... There's a lot I don't know about NFTs, ... But the gist of this seems to be that NFT's use Blockchain. Well, that is not necessarily the same as Bitcoin. Aren't NFTs a solution to the Byzantine Generals Problem? Most of the resources used in Bitcoin trading are used by people trying to exploit a race condition that has been practically designed into the protocol. This is what makes the transaction cost of Bitcoin so high. But as I understand it, a Bitcoin transaction is only necessary when you trade parts of coins, ... If you just trade whole, already-minted coins, then do you have any transaction costs? Isn't that how NFTs work? Aren't they a kind of double-entey book-keeping system built on Blockchain? I don't know anything about how Bitcoin and NFTs are actually implemented, so please, will somebody tell me if I'm just talking crap here? I am only guessing on the basis of how I would design a crypto-currency system. I don't know how others might do it, or why they might choose to do it differently. 

The article begins:

American filmmaker, painter, visual artist, and writer David Lynch is currently trending on Twitter. Lynch is being targeted by Twitterverse’s residents, and not for his version of Dune, filmed in 1984. Instead, the good-hearted and good-natured people of Twitter expressed their concerns over David Lynch’s dabble into NFTs, due to the cryptocurrency’s negative impact on the environment.

Well, that sounds to me like somebody saying: if Nick Mason gave me his Ferrari GTO then I would be a bad bastard, because cars are bad for the environment. What if I'm Ferris Bueler's friend Cameron though, ... 

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