My Daughter Seems Unwell

Yesterday I sent her and my mother a link to this video:

On Thu, 21 Oct 2021 at 19:08, eternal Doorman  wrote:

I made this video for you half an hour ago. You need to see the video description and links therein on YouTube.


Today I received the reply:

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021, 5:49 AM Helen Grant wrote:

Hi Dad,

I'm afraid it's still not obvious to me.

This is the email address for the USS which I found on their website - they say that they are not taking many phone calls at the moment.


I replied:

Hi Helen,

Thanks for looking that up. The USS is a nationwide organisation that handles pensions for employees of many universities. I have their E-mail, and I have mailed them and they refuse to deal with pension inquiries by E-mail because it is not secure. They require me to phone them. I have their number. Listen to what I say on the video again. What I need is help  getting my own PayPal account with money to pay for Skype, because WhatsApp doesn't work.

Sorry you are not able to pay enough attention to what I wrote. Are you on any medication for anxiety or depression or anything? That may be what is stopping you from connecting.


I wonder whether maybe she has a drug problem:

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021, 10:48 AM Helen Grant wrote:

Hi Dad, 

I'm happy to transfer you a maximum £20 but no more than that. How should I send the money? 

Best wishes,

Here are some fragments of Carl Jung's thought which seem relevant. My mother was very into Jung when she was younger.

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