Playstation64 - Pandemonia

See the video description on YouTube:

Great band! Apparently they have some poor chica locked in a computer on keyboards and drums, ... I'd love to meet her!🤣❤️💓💕

Don't bother with my channel:

Banvel Sessions presenta Playstation 64. Grabado el 22 de agosto en la tienda Banvel en el centro de Tecate, Baja California. Con la ayuda de Mala Conducta en los controles de audio y Sonido Rami.

Muchas gracias a Cerveza Espectro por patrocinar las bebidas para la sesión.


Lagrimas Congeladas
El Stack
Malandro Cyberpunk
I Hate You
Sin Tiempo
Where Are You?P

Grabado y editado por Noé Morales.

Subscribe to Banvel 88.

Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart

Subscribe to Joy Division.

I saw this on a t-shirt when I was in Cochabamba: "Until love tears us apart again" and my heart sank. I mean it really sank. Not even fucking Stroszek himself could know how I felt, ...

See martes, 5 de enero de 2016: The Cloud Part III and Lana Del Rey on The Navajo Water Project and Lana's sweater? I don't know! But see Merry Christmas from Laura Pausini.

No elita? No hay allitas? ... Pero, ... 

Subscribe to AJayll.

This doesn't mean much to me, ... But the date, ...  June 2017 was around the time Cochabamba started going crazy, wasn't it? Chicas dropping acid or something? Fucking pandemonium! 👹

Subscribe to Celebrity Snapz.

Subscribe to Jean Michel Jarre.

See David Lynch's Weather Report septiembre 01, 2021.


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