Sadhguru - Should We Punish Our Children?

I remember vividly the first time I smacked my daughter. She was only about two or three and had just started walking. We were in a multi-story car park. I was getting stuff out of the car or locking it or something and she wandered off, then I suddenly saw her at the foot of one of the ramps and a car was driving down quite fast towards her. I got a fright and I ran over to grab her. I smacked her bottom and told her never to wander off like that again. But it was because I was frightened that I reacted like that, not really because of anything she'd done. Poor little thing! I think moving vehicles are probably a greater danger to children than anything else in this world. She later told me, quite seriously that "Cars must be OK, otherwise they wouldn't let people have them." See RT UK: Some Brits Take Education More Seriously Than Life Itself.

I don't agree at all with what he says about education. Human beings are animals, but we are also divine, and that divinity is something we create through good education. Yes, we could all live in the forest and eat acorns like pigs do, ... But I would rather build a civilized society, thank you very much!

And here he talks about a reason why some women may feel the need to rearrange the furniture from time to time. It's because of tortured trees, and bad education!

Subscribe to Sadhguru.

Here's William Shakespeare's take on why we shouldn't punish our children:

Subscribe to Zsuzsanna Uhlik. She has a lot of great poetry readings on her channel. For example this one, which is Charles Bukowski's My Cats:

There is a 1975 BBC Play of the Month production of King Lear, ...

Subscribe to Jayston Site.

Here's Ian McKellen on the character of King Lear.

Subscribe to Staging Shakespeare.

I've had a great day not begging. I could really get into this lifestyle! 😀


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