Terence McKenna on Hisory

I hope my daughter listens to this. See Lana Del Rey - Feeling Sad and David Lynch's Weather Report.

This applies to individual lives as much as to cultural identity. See On Art, Materials for Art, Economy and Culture.

I really wish I could see that hour-long interview Camila did with me at Novecento in Cochabamba last year, or the year before, ... I can't even start to think about my story without some context to base it on, and she provided that for me, and as I recall, it was really good. Having that opportunity to say some of the things that had been on my mind for so long, knowing that someone was listening, made a huge difference to my life. The gmail address she gave me doesn't work anymore, ... it was ciaopusnigrum@gmail.com, ... what on earth did she mean by that?! See RT: The Families of Victims at Sacaba and Senkata March Demanding Justice in Bolivia.

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