The Vatican's Refusal To Apologize & Make Amends To Residential School Survivors


9:33 The lawyer for the Catholic entities, James Ehmann QC: whose "... knowledge and expertise are focused on construction, insurance, energy and resources, professional liability, and civil disputes in business and other contexts, from a problem solving and litigation perspective" said that he can no longer speak for them and that no-one else was available who could. 

I have only watched up to 10:34. I cannot take any more of this right now.

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From a CBC News report a week ago:

Two days ago:

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French clergy sexually abused more than 200,000 children since 1950, probe finds:

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Paedophilia scandals: French Catholic Church pleads for forgiveness. That is what these people think justice is. The church pleads forgiveness from the people, but the Pope is the divinely appointed representative of God almighty on earth, ... don't hey have any philosophical or theological issues with that?

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Mercedes Sosa: Cuando Tenga La Tierra

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