Getting Out Of Town

Bit slow, ... Don't people want to know it ends?

Update: It's now 5:58pm and I haven't got enough to pay for my hotel tomorrow because it took so long to upload this.

This is a series, longer than Twin Peaks - The Return!

The following video should be relocated*

* To here

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Mark Knopfler - Brothers in Arms

For some reason this line "These mist-colored mountains ..." reminds me of a photograph I once saw of Nyanga in Rhodesia. My father and his brother used to go there to catch trout, I think. I never went there, as far as I know, unless it was when I was very little and we went to a beach south of Beira (Lorenzo Marques I think) in Moçambique. I only know about that from family photographs, ... But I think I once checked and the road we travelled must've passed through Nyanga. In Rhodesia they called the area around Salisbury the highlands. I thought that was because it was higher than the Zambezi valley. I wonder whether some of the people who were displaced when the Kariba Dam was built were moved there? I wonder too about Che Guevara's trips to Africa. See El Congo del Che Guevara:

I remember my aunt Barbara's boyfriend Graham playing a record to my father and telling him it was about a battle in the Congo. It was this, I think:

Johnny Wakelin - In Zaire

Most people seem to think it's about the boxing match, ... Graham used to read High Times though, so maybe he was better informed!  High Times started in 1974 apparently. See Pink Floyd - Time.

Maybe I should read this: Una odisea africana.


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