The Gamekeeper at Home; The Amateur Poacher By Richard Jefferies

Coming soon to a good bookshop near you, ...

I fucking love ABE Books!

See Linda Faludi Signing Off.

Christmas Cottage, Adforton, Herefordshire and Christmas Cottage, Adforton, Craven Arms, Herefordshire:

Grieg: Peer Gynt Suite No.1, Op.46 - 1. Morning Mood

Subscribe to Berlin Philharmonic.

See also Nick Cave on why he’s playing H.G. Wells in ‘The Electrical Life Of Louis Wain’.

David Gilmour - Raise My Rent

Subscribe to David Gilmour.

© Copyright Ian Capper and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

That hill is called Clee Hill and there used to be a NORAD Early Warning radar station on top. [Wikipedia says it was only a NATS radar station, but I am not so sure about that] It looked like a huge golf-ball. That's where Sue Gibson taught me to drive in her dried-blood-red Triumph Stag, [I've just Googled it and it clearly wasn't a Stag. All Google shows are V8-engined 2-door convertibles, ... This thing must've been a 4-door, because I remember driving several of us to Shrewsbury in it to practice rolling kayaks in the swimming pool there. So either I'm wrong, or I died and I'm in a different world now, ... Or some cunt is fucking with my head. I don't remember the engine capacity, but maybe it was 1.6 liter, ... It was quite powerful, ... But I don't think it was a V8! Another data point was that Sue and Mike Riding and I drove up to Aviemore for New Years one year around 1983/4 and we had a tent and all our winter clothes and stuff, so there's no way it was 2-door. Also I'm certain it wasn't convertible because it had a roof rack and J-bars for carrying canoes.]

Clee Hill was also where Julie lived with her mum and they used to drive past in a light-blue three-wheeler like a Reliant Robin. Julie's mum was disabled, and I never met her. But I was terribly in love with Julie. We just never got it together though. God knows why! I think now that she really liked me. It was Sue Gibson who introduced me to Bob Dylan's music, and Donovan's too. It was Sue who hired the Ludlow Sixth Form College minibus and drove a bunch of us to Birmingham NEC to see a Roger Waters Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking gig. See Hannah Camping in Wyoming and Yoko Ono's Geography Report.

See Mount Flirt, Near Henley, Ludlow, Shropshire. SY8 3ET, United Kingdom


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