Sadhguru on Belief Systems

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This reminded me of a video I watched yesterday. I was a bit confused at first because I had never heard anyone actually say all this stuff before. What triggered the memory was the phrase belief systems. I had to think a bit before I got any sort of idea of what a belief system actually is. I think this gives you a good idea of that. It's the system of cause and effect that you use to model the world in which you live.

Systems Thinking: A Little Film About A Big Idea

That system of cause and effect could turn out to be very different, depending upon your point of view and your desires. And sometimes what you experience in life can radically change that perspective:

The problem then becomes how to arrange our economic, social and governance systems so that they accommodate such radical shifts in perspective that individuals and groups experience, without failing completely.

John Searle - Problems with the classical conception of rationality

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