Blanca HF

David, I met Blanca in D'Volada today. She is studying Chinese calligraphy I think. And I saw another student of yours drawing in the Parque outside the hotel. He was using coloured pens or pencils, I think. I didn't talk to him, but by the looks of it they are both playing with your ideas about fast and slow areas in images, but they are smoothing the differences quite beautifully. What I mean is they are using a much more gradual transition between fast and slow areas, so their fast areas spread out slower and slower and kind of blend gradually into the slow areas. It made me think of the ideas I had about hard discontinuous boundaries and softer ones. Like the difference between an open microphone and one with a wind muffler. See David Lynch Theatre - Painting and David Lynch Painting.

Blanca is hoping to go on a six month exchange to Westminster in a couple of years time. We're going to speak English together so she can practice speaking with a British accent.

See David Lynch on Digital Representation and Lithography - If You Can Think You Can Find A Way To Do It.

Blanca let me photograph a piece of work of hers that I'm going to call "lobsters" ...

She has an InstaGram page:

She was having coffee the other day when I mentioned Gimme Somma That in my comment on your weather report.

I had a very vivid dream about meeting you last night. You seemed kinda drunk. I hope that's all it was. But then I went off over some rooftops with a woman, and you and I kind of lost touch! This is true, I'm not making it up. Maybe it happened long ago, in 1990. I hope so.

Have a great day.

For more on how the medium starts talking to the artist, see David Lynch on Actors and Chosen Won - Music Only: A Retired Working Woman Walks Along The Detroit River.

Two cats talking:

I recorded this last night just after I listened to Pink Floyd - Keep Talking whilst smoking a cigarette on the balcony outside.

And I made this last week, ...

See Lana Del Rey - Cola.

See also David Lynch's Weather Report.


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